In The Beginning: The First Known LDS Statement About Trans People

On August 7, 1970 Harold B. Lee spoke the first words expressly about trans people known to have been spoken by an LDS GA/apostle/prophet. I previously presumed Clyde J. Williams’ 1996 book ‘The Teachings of Harold B. Lee’ which I own a copy of and have spoken about before contained the full and accurate quote. I recently discovered it does not, after I personally investigated the source he references and listened to the entire talk. There is much more about us that was said. Also, Williams took a slight liberty in paraphrasing (inserting the phrase ‘some dreamer’). The original source is Harold B. Lee’s Banquet Address at the Fifth Annual Priesthood Genealogical Research Seminar. Since the 50-year restriction period expired last August, the audio recording is now digitally available on request from the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at BYU’s Harold B. Lee Library. (A3421 B: Genealogical Banquet Address (Elder Harold B. Lee), 7 Aug. 1970).

To my dear trans friends… don’t read further unless you are in a strong place emotionally, psychologically, and otherwise. It does not have kind language about us and appears designed to try to create fear and outrage. I will provide my response afterwards, but I cried at the harsh language and fear it tries to create and spread as well as the methods used to try do so. The full relevant excerpt from Harold B Lee’s talk here follows, word for word:

“Now among us today there’s some ugly things. I just had, I had a letter from a return missionary that was very troubled, about a, a something that’s creeping in that’s as devilish and hellish as anything among us today. It’s called transsexuality. I looked in the abridged[sic] dictionary which I thought contained all the words that have ever been said but it doesn’t appear there. And so I, I read on to see what was in his letter and he said something like this. His parents had gone to a movie called ‘Christian[sic] Christine Jorgenson Story’. Now I shouldn’t have told you that but for some of you with rights to see this [light audience laughter and audience voices briefly audible] which is about a transsexual. And they commented to their son about the telling about it that a woman was trapped inside a man’s body so this person had an operation performed in Copenhagen and sexually had him changed to a her, saying that his estrogen level was 95% and that he was really a woman in a man’s body and not a homosexual. Then they commented that the new, that they’re, they’re now performing thousands of operations here in the United States at Johns Hopkins University on newborn babies to save them from bondage. And this boy said I don’t believe it and so he wrote to ask. The simple answer just as simple if we believe what the Lord said, in Genesis, in Moses, ‘For the Lord said let us make man in our own image and in the likeness of our person. And I God created them, created man in mine own image. In the image of mine only begotten created I them. Male and female created I them.’ Do you need anything else to, to prove the falsity of any such hellish doctrine as this so-called transsexuality doctrine of some? The Lord created male and female and He didn’t have a woman’s body trapped in a man’s or a woman’s soul trapped in a man’s body or vice versa.”

My comments and response: Framing the discussion with terms like not just ‘hellish’ (twice), but also ‘devilish’ and ‘ugly’ is heartbreaking to me as a trans person for the level of panic and fear and Satan associated stigma and unkindness it would inspire for generations to come. Heartbreaking to me even more so that he spoke it without ever even having met, or known a single one of us, our stories, our realities that we go through, and more. Judged in absentia, with no chance to even testify on our own behalf.

In this quote we find the first evidence in the church of choosing pronouns to misgender a trans person, twice demonstrated by example as modeled to a member audience expected to go back to numerous wards and stakes throughout the church. We also see what appears to be deliberate attempted deadnaming. I say attempted because evidently Lee had not bothered to read or study enough, or else conveniently forgot that “Christian” was not even Christine’s deadname… yet Lee seems willing to attempt even ignorantly and misguidedly deadnaming her anyway.

It’s also interesting to me (in contrast to much of later policy that would speak only to surgery for four decades until last February when it began attacking hormone use) that the quote actually speaks to hormones and hormone levels as well, all the way back in 1970. FYI The movie does mention this (as 96%) though even the movie references are questionable vs scientific understanding both then and now. The movie also talks about her going on hormones.

Then of course there is the first case of the false presumption Lee spreads into the church falsely suggesting that sexual orientation and gender could only be one and the same and that a trans woman is merely a homosexual. (Just as my BYU therapist tried unsuccessfully to convince me three decades later that supposedly I was just a homosexual man attracted to men. Spoiler: I’m not attracted to men and never have been).

It breaks my heart at the play to teaching and inspiring fear among the membership when Lee tries to fearmonger about trans people by saying that ‘they’re now performing thousands of operations here in the United States at Johns Hopkins University on newborn babies to save them from bondage.’ Babies? Yes, he claimed it was babies. Trying to scare people by talking about transsexuals and then immediately suggesting it as if cisgender babies were somehow being forced to become transsexuals. I sat there waiting for him to explain, to clarify. He didn’t. The way Lee pitched that makes it sound as if they are going to take cisgender babies en masse and perform SRS on them at birth as if like with Christine Jorgenson? That makes zero sense in a trans context and is flat out a scaremongering, fearmongering, blatant misleading statement designed to evoke shock, fear, and outrage from Lee’s audience.

I even went back and re-watched the Christine Jorgenson story. It does mention thousands of people now (1970) being helped at Johns Hopkins. It never not even once talks about babies though. Between that and misguidedly erring even at deadnaming, I question whether Lee watched let alone knew what he was even talking about from the movie. At best it makes me wonder especially with the Johns Hopkins reference if Lee is confusing trans medicine of the time with treatment of intersex babies. Or if Lee somehow just invents the confused notion about babies. Either way, trying to suggest this the way he did is at best recklessly ignorant and confused while trying to instill fear and outrage, or at worst downright deceptive. It is tragic to me that he just let that fear based statement stand with no context, explanation, or more…. as if it it was merely thrown out to try to stir up panic and fear and make something seem far more exaggerated than the reality, and as if to paint a picture seeming far more devilishly planned then the reality of doctors trying to help people. Lee’s fearmongering would spread to parents of trans (and perhaps) intersex children and many others. This breaks my heart.

It saddens me to see Harold B. Lee not even seem to have considered anything more than looking in a dictionary (while not even clear that he even correctly realized the difference between abridged or unabridged). Lee spreading fear without even talking to doctors or studying it, nor claiming to have gone to ‘talk with Jesus Christ’ or even pondering and seeking revelation about it or even at all having taken it to the Lord for revelation or understanding. Instead Lee just presumes that his personal narrow and logically flawed presumptive interpretation of the creation of Adam and Eve should be attempted to be force-fit onto something it has zero relevance to. And then he jumps to fear based conclusions about catastrophe scenarios with babies to strike fear into the hearts of his family loving, baby loving audience? I can’t even being to express how that breaks my heart. Less than two years later, this selfsame man would be the one to marry and seal my own mother and father in the Salt Lake temple. A mother and father who the church would go on to play a key role in teaching to fear supporting or even believing people like me, to where I knew that I had to hide from even them.

Lee was a senior apostle at the time, next in line to be prophet less than two years later. That he did not know what a transsexual was and had to even look it up, strongly suggests that this was likely not something that had previously been studied or spoken of among the brethren even going as far back as to 1941 when lee became an apostle. It strongly suggests that this is likely to be the first time any of them actually even had thought at all about or approached the subject. It is probably first time any of them used their position to speak about it to members of the church.

In contrast, quite amazingly, Dr. Gregory Prince (in the trans chapter of his book ‘Gay Rights and the Mormon Church: Intended Actions Unintended Consequences’) documents a 1970s marriage and sealing that he even witnessed in the Washington DC temple of a transsexual woman to a cisgender man. A marriage and sealing that the church’s top leaders even knew about and evidently didn’t stop or revoke. A case where Elder Hugh W. Pinnock was directly involved and this was raised to the Q15. In contrast to Lee’s words spoken publicly and spread to many with reach across the whole church, the marriage and sealing were kept quiet and not even spoken of until Greg Prince himself was willing to go on record and point it out. Harold B. Lee passed away in December of 1973. I can only guess that the trans temple marriage happened after his passing or influence could stop it. Early LDS history on trans people seems to be hit and miss, but was very wild west back then still. Church Handbook Policy would emerge only around the late 1970s and early 1980s. By then, it seems that the anti-trans seeds that Harold B Lee plants in his 1970 talks had taken root and would win the day so far even largely today though with a kinder tone superimposed over the similar anti-trans beliefs.

I suspect every trans person who has ever felt they were on trial against someone much like their own Sanhedrin understands well how Jesus would have felt when they said “What need we any further witness?” while they stubbornly and pridefully presumed their scripture could only ever mean it blasphemously impossible for Jesus to be who he said he was. It’s the tragic and painfully sad feeling I feel when Harold B. Lee and others like him say things like “Do you need anything else to, to prove the falsity of any such hellish doctrine as this so-called transsexuality doctrine of some?”. The silence that followed his remarks, a silence I still see among so many church members and leaders to just fully and unquestioningly and immediately and thoroughly just believe such dark things about people like me… still breaks my heart.

The bold answer Lee and others do not want to hear is Yes, I would need more because the claim is unfounded; because shoehorning with logical fallacy and non sequitur to try to use the scriptures presume those tried in absentia are impossible like that and to spread fear about them… is deeply flawed and no basis for condemnation. I need people who are more intellectually honest and less reckless do not fear or spread fear about our existence as their basis and leave it as a legacy, and are not recklessly presumptive with flawed logic trying to force-fit apples to oranges scripture that lacks comparative relevance. I need people who instead of fear and spreading fear, have courage to not arrogantly presume or act so recklessly so they are not afraid of truth that challenges presumptions. As a trans person, I need more than highly presumptuous exclusionary narrow interpretation of a scripture from a man who seems to be acting out of fear, has not studied this out, shows no evidence and speaks with no evidence of having asked a god about it, and demonizes with words like hellish, devilish, without ever once having even met or known any one of us and what we go through and our reality. I need people with courage to back off from recklessly attacking trans people in order to satisfy their shaky unfounded presumptions about us. I need more than interpretations laden with highly questionable logical fallacies (like the shaky approach of argumentum ad ignorantium) and non sequitur presumptions as a basis. And, I need someone who does not drop unclarified statements like fear-bombs about surgeries on babies to strike fear of trans people into the hearts of members, parents, families, and an entire culture without having even done research or anything more than attempting extremely presumptuous logic on a text, and speaking in dehumanizing terms about people like me, without ever having known any of us.

Compared to this language in contrast to the recent February Policy on trans people, the church has made only small progress (sadly paired with regress as well) in understanding and not fearing us existing in this life or the next, or fearing having kids and supporting kids who are trans, or fearing getting us real medical help, or not demonizing us or dehumanizing us (but at least with a loving tone while doing so) as much now after 50 years. Now it supposedly as of February is even claiming to have no position on what causes trans people (rather than directly claiming it is the devil, and twice by Lee claiming it as hellish), although the church leaders are still disciplining and restricting us and listing us under moral issues as if we were. I see the lips speak, but I see and experience the actions far more clearly. The church has come, dragged by science, to understand that gender and sexuality are not the same. The church is barely even now kind of maybe admitting or suggesting that we don’t just make this up, rather that this is something real and medical but to have faith that we will never really exist or deserve to as us… though it still makes claims about under the topic of Satan on it’s website when you search for transgender or gender. The church has recently only suggested in policy that we don’t need to be misgendered in name, but even there it is only suggested that we ‘may’, not must or should be called by our name. I’m still waiting to see if a General Authority (Oaks level, since Lee was also that level) is willing to model that practice by example, considering evidently an apostle of their rank previously modeled misgendering towards us to many members. I’m not holding my breath that any of them will address us with respectful pronouns, or not awkwardly always avoid calling me ‘sister _‘ while addressing all other sisters and brothers by brother and sister. It also makes me wonder why the only recent policy that punishes social transition, merely presenting in gender in dress, and hormones…. when hormones and more was in awareness even 50 year ago, and in the 1970s. How long will the legacy of fear, and fear based presumptions about us continue? How long will the church want us to be impossible to even be considered that we could exist or deserve to exist as who we say we are after this life? How long will hope for us to not be real so it can discard us and have who it wishes it could have instead of us so it could have and love that instead of us? When will they stop being afraid to actually dare love us or who we are, and want us as who we are, and love us enough to be horrified at someone trying to erase or want who a person is overwritten just to please others, as if our body is sacred but who we are is not?

As for comparing to Adam an Eve? It is a non sequitur. Just because Adam was not trans and people assume that Eve (made female out of a male rib) was not thought of as trans, it is flawed logic to presume that no trans person could ever exist just because a tiny sample size of two under apples to oranges different conditions is consulted as a way off base reference. That’s like saying, In the beginning there were at most two colors of hair, therefore it is impossible that there are more than 2 hair colors. It is theists who taught the phrase Absence of Evidence is not evidence of absence (about god), an approach theists should be well versed in claiming and not trying suddenly to use a double standard especially when faced with a case where in a far larger samples size of millions of people with conditions that are nothing like the Adam and Eve example… trans people DO exist as the counterexample.

Beyond being a logical fallacy based on argumentum ad ignorantium, it is also a non sequitur. The conclusion does not follow from the evidence that has nothing to with the case being discussed. Why? well for starters, because unlike Adam and Eve, I was not born in the beginning or like them with those methods or circumstances. That makes a massive difference when using them as a flawed comparison. I was born in what even the church itself even calls the ‘latter days’. Methods of creation, conditions of the bodies created, and much more are well known to be vastly different for everyone except Adam even to the point that if anything Adam and Eve are the exceptions to the rule, not the rule. Let’s explore just how significant that point is and why.

(1) In the beginning everyone that existed was only named either Adam or Eve. This would never happen again on this planet. In the ‘latter days’ people are named many other names.

(2) In the beginning there was a sample size of two. This would never happen again to anyone on this planet. In the ‘latter days’ there is a sample size of over 7 billion with vast variations.

(3) In the beginning, one male physical body was created by a god taking dust and forming it into a body and breathing life into it. This would never happen again to anyone on this planet. In the latter day’s male physical bodies are created from sperm and eggs from other human bodies.

(4) In the beginning, one female body was created when god as the approving/performing surgeon removed a rib with male DNA and in the first ever divinely approved transgender medical procedure god created the first woman out of male rib DNA. This would never happen again to anyone on this planet. In the ‘latter days’, women are born from sperm and egg from other human bodies.

(5) In the latter days, intersex, trans, and many other kinds of physical bodies are also created from the sperm and egg of other human bodies.

(6) In the beginning, Adam and Eve were physically created as adults. This would never happen again to anyone on this planet. In the ‘latter days’, everyone alive today was created as newborn infants.

(7) In the beginning we are told that Adam and Eve were created with an immortal physical body. This would never happen again to anyone on this planet. In the ‘latter days’ everyone is born with a mortal physical body that was never ever immortal to begin with.

(8 & 9) In the beginning, there were not even enough humans (two) to have all the hair colors, eye colors, and other physical attributes people are commonly born with today. In the ‘latter days’, much more variety is born.

(10) In the beginning we are told Adam and Eve were born with perfect bodies made by the perfect Jesus. In the latter days people are born with bodies that are not just imperfect for not being immortal, but are also imperfect for missing limbs, born deaf, born blind, or having whole medical textbooks of variances and differences.

To the extreme literalists who try to force-fit the biblical account of the creation of Adam and Eve to try to exclude instead of include trans people… there are serious problems with that narrow-minded attempt at flawed logic of trying to use Adam and Eve to try to rule other people out. After all, I meet all kinds of people who were not born in adult bodies, not named Adam and Eve, not women made out of a ribs or men made out of dust, not in immortal physical bodies, and not walking around completely naked, with more than 2 hair colors and more than 2 eye colors, not speaking Adamic (let alone born speaking a language at all), and who have never in their life physically walked with and seen and talked to god face to face like Adam and Eve are said to have. Flawed attempts at logic to try to exclude others, by appealing to the strict exactitude in a comparison that has no right at all to be considered apples to apples does not rule out trans people, but it does show the lengths people will try to go to rationalize excluding others and even try to blame a god for it.

If anything in numerous ways, Adam and Eve were if anything the exception and not the rule for what is the experience for humanity. Citing them as the comparison when they are created by methods none of us were in conditions none of us are, as if Adam and Eve are the standard for what the rest of us experience as our reality is not a remotely viable comparison and seems more for convenience to try to force-fit in order to condemn, than for any actual apples to apples relevance. And then comparing them by saying something wasn’t in their story for them so it could never exist for anyone else is just not an intellectually honest approach either and is a known flaw in logic when used that way.

Let’s consider even more though. In the beginning, on the 6th day.

In the Genesis account many religions attribute the creation of man directly to God the Father, but based on 1 John 1-14 the LDS consider Jehovah/Jesus to be the ‘Word of God” (“the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”) and that “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” and that Jesus created Adam and Eve merely under the direction of God the Father.

In the creation account in Moses in the Pearl of Great Price we read of God the Father saying “I, God, said unto mine Only Begotten, which was with me from the beginning: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and it was so. And I, God, said: Let them have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them.” Note that so far in all of these cases we have two males creating in God the Father’s or their “own” image and yet a woman was also created even though none of those speaking were in the image of a female. Not a single female noted there giving birth, or with her genitals involved. Nobody, nobody’s genitals needed for physical creations. When one considers further Moses 3:5 that “all things were created spiritually before physically” if one presumes the methods and patterns of millions or innumerous physical creations without genitals and by two males, is it really that hard to consider spiritual exalted gods with millions or innumerous offspring that do not need male-female genital pairings to create them or even male-female in any other way to create their offspring? Not at all. The spirit males in the creation accounts seem to manage just fine, don’t they? Two males even physically created a physical body for one of them without even having a physical body themselves yet. Think hard on that. Note also in the Moses account that God the Father refers to Jesus as his “only” “begotten” even though during the creation Jesus had not yet even been physically begotten yet. The word “only” is even more curious since we are talking about a creation account where God the Father directs Adam and Eve to be created in God the Father’s image, yet by listing Jesus as the “only” begotten does not even count Adam and Eve as among those physically “begotten” of God the Father.

As an important note it is not trivial that God the Father and others were not limited to physical procreation to create physical life. A consideration that many try to discount as a rare and ‘one time only event’. It is not remotely a one-time event though once one considers the LDS view of D&C 76:24 which notes of Jesus that “by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.” Worlds. Plural. “worlds without number” (Moses 1:39) “millions of worlds like this” (Orson Pratt referencing Joseph Smith) “worlds so numerous that they cannot be numbered by man” (Bruce R McConkie). Worlds we are told time and again that Jesus is also the Savior of their inhabitants (Take a look to search the talk on lds dot org titled ‘“Is Jesus Christ the Savior of all the worlds God created or just ours?” and just how many references it points to about this). Notice in the D&C 76:24 verse we are told that the inhabitants of those world are “begotten” sons and daughters unto God. Yet, Jesus is the “only” begotten? It seems that it is not safe to play a narrow-minded restrictive mindset with language and concepts, when the scriptures themselves are showing evidence themselves of playing fast and loose with terminology and broad meanings.

Even more amazingly we have understanding of a Jesus with no physical body potentially creating a physical body for as many as millions or so many more other people we cannot number it… once the other worlds are counted as well. I wonder… Is it probable that forgetting such perspective mortal men forget this and fixate narrowly on physical procreation by genitals as a factor that limits gods? With the birth of Jesus body by Mary who ‘knew’ no man, it strongly suggests that an all-powerful god is not so narrowly confined by genitals as some folks might want to force him into a box in order to narrowly imagine. Physical creation without male female pairings, that happened million and millions of times? Not remotely a one-off. Rare? Yes, but only because those millions and millions of worlds would each have billions and billions of follow on offspring whose bodies were not created the same way as their planetary progenitors.

Unlike all the rest of us here who were physically “begotten” of our physical parents, Adam and Eve were not even literally physically “begotten” by physical genitals procreating from a mother and father. Maybe it was like that in the beginning. But unlike Adam and Eve, my body was not created from dust, mine was physically “begotten” by my mortal parents with genitals. Not a trivial difference, and one that should be noted to avoid comparing apples to oranges and then trying to us mismatched comparison to then insist on a narrow interpretive point of view being applied to those whose conditions are significantly different.

The Abraham creation account is a bit different. Instead of referring to God or Jesus in specific it repeatedly speaks saying “the Gods” did this or “The Gods” did that. Plural. Gods. For example, the passage in Abraham 4: 26-27 “And the Gods took counsel among themselves and said: Let us go down and form man in our image, after our likeness;… So the Gods went down to organize man in their own image, in the image of the Gods to form they him, male and female to form they them.” A whole account written using they and them and plural terms for gods. I have not been able to find references to clarify whether LDS doctrine claims that women were included in reference to “the Gods” that were involved in the creation/ I have not found reference indicating they were not either; only that the other accounts don’t mention them directly and do mention specific men directly.

Notice the pronouns shift. Not even ‘He/Him/His’. Rather, ‘They/Them/Their/We/Us/Our’. Not created ‘He’ them. Rather, created ‘They’ them. Once again evidence that suggests not an exclusionary narrow interpretation, but a far broader interpretation. Lee’s appeal to the Genesis account to use narrow interpretation to condemn trans people also seems to forget this in Lee’s effort to narrow this to a singular “I” and ‘He’. In context of pronouns and trans people, the difference in pronouns between creation accounts and ease of changing pronouns, speaks volumes in not presuming one just narrowly knows what pronouns to use or what to presume from the Genesis and Moses accounts. This is not trivial, as such a narrow view would mean a male created them in ‘his’ image yet created MORE than just male. Or that multiple males created them in their image yet created MORE than just males. If one considers ‘the gods’ to only be referring to God the Father and Jesus, or as from temple ceremony creation accounts to be referring to God the Father, Jesus, and Adam, it reminds of the danger of taking a narrow interpretation of the Genesis account, and also reminds that three males created ‘man’ in their own image, yet we ended up with a woman too.

If one is broader still to consider “the gods’ to include all of those noble and great ones or those who were spirits in Abraham 3:7 and to include more then it opens the door to much broader interpretation where unlike the narrow interpretation of Genesis others than man, i.e. women were perhaps involved in the creation? Additionally Is it that hard to picture an entire spectrum of gender among “the gods”? From the most masculine manly men, to the least masculine man, to the intersex, to the nonbinary, to the least feminine woman, to the most feminine woman? ‘The gods’ seems a broad enough term to cover a vast and wondrous variety… much how the rest of the creation accounts are all written to inspire. Is it hard to imagine a god who did not worry that there would end up being bodies with less certainty or conflict in gender or a need to work through that (in either direction) because such diversity could even exist spiritually first too?

For the last account, the temple ceremony creation account, I will not point out anything other than a reminder that it seems treated as more sacred than the other three and it places Adam with Jesus and God The Father (more as presiding) as the three males and no females in the account directly involved in the creation of Adam and Eve. It seems to be an approach to try to reconcile the Genesis and Moses accounts (singular god) with the Abraham accounts (plural gods) and also show God the Father as the creator (presiding) while also showing Jesus involved more directly at the executing end with Adam helping him.

In all of the accounts notice the word “likeness”. Created in the likeness of god / the gods. Why is does ‘likeness’ matter? It again gives indication that we are not talking about narrowly defined perfectionist OCD obsessed exactitude. Adam and Eve were created in the ‘likeness’ of God or the Gods. If there were “gods” plural with numerous hair colors, numerous eye colors, numerous heights, numerous spirit body types, vast and numerous diversity… it makes sense that the work “likeness” would be used specifically to help people avoid being narrow minded in presuming exactitude in the creation of Adam and Eve, and as a reminder that among “the gods” there was room for diversity, and that even with an Adam and Eve who were not in perfect exactitude of god the Father… being merely close enough to be considered in his likeness was perfectly fine with God the Father and everyone else involved who valued and understood the diversity that would be among children as numerous as the sands of the sea on worlds without number. Everything in the creation of Adam and Eve and the creation accounts points to not a narrow and restrictive view trying to put god in a box, but rather a vast, wondrously and beautifully diverse variety and diversity among the gods themselves and a respect even from God himself and/or the Gods themselves that “likeness” not narrow minded obsession with limited exactitude was expected.

In each account again we hear the expression “created he THEM” or “created they THEM”. Again this matters. Why? Because it does not say that the creation is an account of every single human who will ever exist on this planet. And that matters tremendously in why it cannot be applied to those who it is not about. It does not say created He everyone physically in the beginning. He didn’t. And in multiple accounts about diversity and expansive understanding of creation it does not say created he/they them and ensured that all would only ever be exactly like them. It shows that it is about Adam and Eve. It is the story of their creation. Not my individual creation. Not your individual creation. We were all created under very different circumstances and methods and approaches that I am outlining in this article about what existed for Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve (and their counterparts on other worlds) are the ones that the creation account speaks to. It does not even begin to explain the ‘birds and the bees’ approach for all the rest of us, born after (not before) the fall via physical procreation of genitals (not dust or ribs) from mortal parents (not from two or three men working together) producing baby bodies (not adult ones) that were mortal (not immortal) and would die and have more than two or even four hair colors, more than two or even four eye colors, and billions of physical differences in attributes with every single attribute of our body including genitals and reproductive.

There are significant difference between how creation of bodies works “in the beginning”, “on the 6th Day”, vs after god resting for a seventh day and with us now in “the latter days”. Yes, it may seem tempting to reach for the easy low hanging fruit apples one has from the Genesis scripture account, and then try to force-fit it to make sense of the most diverse oranges whose creation is not even covered in that story and whose creation is quite visibly by completely different methods, involves completely different participants, and occurs under completely different circumstances. Comparing apples to oranges will still lead to conclusions that make sense for apples, and not oranges. It will never be a truly or fully honest comparison when evaluating oranges with the presumptions of apples.

Even some LDS leaders in the past have gradually realized the creation account is not so narrowly limiting. Consider for example the quote by Spencer W Kimball just four years later in October 1974: “God made man in his own image, male and female made he them. With relatively few accidents of nature, we are born male or female. The Lord knew best. Certainly, men and women who would change their sex status will answer to their Maker.” And indeed you will find that trans people who pursue medical help to heal ourselves are more than ready to answer to our maker. This is not something trivial to us, it is every day of our lives and decisions we research and think about with levels of thought and investment that armchair quarterbacks spending less than 15 minutes and having never researched or talked with doctors are not nearly so personally invested and studied in, and acting out of fear. Trans people who have wrestled with and thought about this more intimately and in their prayers and personal revelation with god and in study and experience than people repeating fear from others to us will ever know.

Now that we’ve made that clear. Did you see the acknowledgement by Spencer W. Kimball that is not a narrow minded view of exclusively being born with male and female? Here it is again: “With relatively few accidents of nature, we are born male or female” Even Kimball had to admit that NO, not everyone is physically born into the strict binary of exclusively male or female. Kimball had to admit it because intersex people are very externally obvious proof. Proof, that the methods, circumstances, participants, and even outcomes today are NOT the limited narrow and quite different example from Adam and Eve’s.

Consider that transgender and intersex both and even combined meet the criteria of being, rare, or in the terms of Kimball “relatively few” compared to the overall population. Less than one percent. Consider that the brain, yes the brain, is the largest sexual organ in our reproductive system. That the brain IS part of the body. The brain is part of our physical body’s biology. While many people focus on the external manifestations of gender and sexual diversity that is seen in genitals for intersex people, consider it is notable that in cases like complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS) the genitals can be deceiving and look perfectly convincing as female genitals (because lack of hormone receptors, meant the XY DNA was overruled) and one can find someone with male DNA, female external genitals, and testicles instead of ovaries found where one cannot externally see. People who end up with external female genitals that appear so female that even doctors cannot tell by external genitals alone. Consider also the David Reimer case of a child with a botched circumcision who was attempted without his knowledge to be raised female but the brain did not agree and he rejected it.

Never forget that brain while not as visible as genitals is the central biological body part involved in gender and sex both. While there are important distinctions between experiences and what transgender and intersex people experience and must go through, from a broader perspective consider that both are outcomes where the physical body is not completely aligned as what people expect on the more polar ends of male or female. With transgender people, the key gender and sexual organ where that matters? The brain.. which, remember, IS part of the physical body, IS part of biology. When brain and body do not align in gender, you have a transgender person. With CAIS, where the internal DNA of those external genitals may be male and internally one finds not ovaries but testicles, yet one sees female genitals formed and in many ways able to function and perform in many ways as it does for females. Is it really that hard to realize that transgender people have brains that are not in the same alignment as what is showing on the external body? No. Even brains that might even have DNA of one gender, yet do not function the way the brain does or that gender? Function matters. Just as wood is found in trees, but we call chairs ‘chairs’ instead of trees and we call tables ‘tables’ instead of trees when the material involved does not function in the role of a tree.

So with that in mind, lets now consider another aspects from the creation accounts that Lee didn’t even bring up. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Let’s talk about not the dust, but the breathing into one’s nostrils the breath of life. The ‘breath of life’. In a literal physical sense, while this may have been the literal case for Adam and Eve, I don’t see Jesus or God the Father physically breathing literal breaths into the nostrils of babies in their mothers wombs surrounded by liquid. I don’t see God the Father or Jesus doing that after the child leaves the womb either. So, another difference between my creation and the Biblical creation of Adam and Eve. Let’s consider something less narrow and exclusively literalist though shall we? A figurative “breath of life”. LDS prophets and apostles have varied over time about whether it was when the baby drew the first breath, or when the baby begins to move around. Even today I cannot find an official position from the church stating exactly what the moment that the “quickening” or spirit enters the body is, though it seems to at least be treated as prior to third trimester and covers stillbirths even. For sake of what I will discuss today the exact moment is not critical. What is critical to consider is the concept of a body being physically formed/made/created but not yet alive if a spirit body or figurative spiritual ‘breath of life’ has not yet been imbued to it. In our discussion this matters because this is the one point in the process where one could argue that no matter how the body is formed (rib, dust, procreation by mortals, test tube, surrogate, etc), the moment in question that might matter more for trans people is when the spirit enters the body.

It seems to be presumed that God the Father is the one who directly makes that happen. i.e. that sure Jesus and Adam created the physical body but God himself breathed life into it (i.e. put the spirit inside it). First, again, let’s notice this seems to be accomplishable…. without using genitals to get the spirit to go inside. Second let’s consider for a moment whether we actually know if god the Father himself is the one who directly does it, or if like in the creation of the physical body he merely oversees it and delegates to other spirits/angels to execute his work. I mention it only because of the biblical passages that seem to suggest that spirits (those of god’s other 1/3 of his children cast down from heaven and following Lucifer) seem to be reported in the bible as being able to go into and take possession of human bodies, to the point where Jesus (and delegates) are reported as casting those spirit bodies (that somehow entered) to go ack out. At very least god, and/or perhaps someone else he delegates to seems to act on his behalf and under his direct places spirits into bodies for birth. Ok so far so good.

Now here’s the interesting part to consider. Let’s consider for a moment God, or a delegate of God acting under his supervision, or even our own selves in a premortal life looking at the physical bodies being formed just before the instant our spirit enters it. Some bodies that will be born with all kinds of physical conditions, variances, even limbs missing, or even born unable to survive more than moments after birth at all. These are hardly the perfect conditions of a body formed that Lee tries to compare to with Adam and Eve. Consider a spirit child looking at a body they will enter that is born blind, or deaf, or missing a limb, or in any number of physical conditions unlike anything even remotely apples to apples with the Adam and Eve story. Consider those who are looking at bodies they know will be born intersex. Consider the spirit person looks at a CAIS body I mentioned earlier. Consider a spirit person looking at a body where due to hormones in utero, DNA, or other factors, the brain is not functioning in a way aligned to the gender aspects of the rest of the body. Consider someone says well, the body looks and will function male, but that brain is going to function female. A body that is NOT fully aligned in gender. And god, the spirit, or whoever else then has to say, well this won’t exactly match you as a spirit but we have that happen with mortal physical bodies all the time, with everything and genitals and brain are no exception.

This then literally comes down to trying to claim that God would overlook the brain and deliberately curse someone male to go down and have a genitals that align with spirit but with a brain that does not align. So they can’t even think or exist as themselves, yet are put on trial for their eternal godhood final exam? Are you kidding me? And God himself, not even Satan, sets them up to fail like that? Or consider a God who deliberately curses someone female to go down and have a brain that is aligned and genitals that do not. No matter what spirit is sent, the body will be misaligned either because of the brain or genitals. And think about sitting there considering would it be better for brain or genitals to align. We are to presume that god will always choose genitals over brain, so we don’t even THINK like ourselves yet are judged as if we do? What a sick cruel thing to do to one’s own child. I’m supposed to believe that god is so insanely obsessed with genitals, to the point he will try to have part of the person’s eternal gender tampered with in their brain and self and consciousness but will treat genitals as more sacred then his own children’s existence and who they are inside? That is not a loving god. It feels to me far more like a sex-obsessed monster.

And then expect his children to act as if they don’t exist or deserve to in this life or the next? Because who they are inside meant nothing to God, and he cared more about their genitals then who they even are inside? What exactly does this god love? His child or the genitals? Because a god who would sell his child out just to match genitals and then send his child to a final exam set up by the hand of God himself to fail at…. sounds unusually cruel.

And then with his children as a result to be told to trust their feelings and thoughts, oh but also to never ever trust their own feelings and thoughts? Oh, but by they way it’s your fault if you screw up and can’t tell, but I tampered with your brain to make sure you would stumble and be more likely to fail? In a choice between brain and genitals, am I really supposed to believe that the part that is me honestly is genitals? That god cared more about that object than he cared about me? And my consciousness, my thoughts, my feelings are things god is willing to tamper with and make lies to me and leave me unable to even trust my own self thoughts, feelings, or anything, and expect me to take a godhood final exam under conditions like that? Because of an obsession with genitals more that who people are inside?

I’m sorry, but this sounds far more like what a sexually insecure squeamish mortal acting under genital urges who is obsessed with genitals would choose instead of a god making a choice based on brains rather than genitals and seeing a person’s value, meaning, inner self, and existence as so much more than genitals. Someone who sees into the mind and heart, not someone who is obsessed with and squeamish about genitals. Yet, I am told that God obsesses over genitals even more than caring about who I am, my thoughts and feelings? This makes no sense to me and never will. And it is horrifically suspect of men trying to think with their squeamish feelings about genitals instead of using their… heart and brains.

Consider some other thoughts as well. A god who is not obsessed with genitals to the point of sacrificing a persons consciousness, thoughts, and heart just to have the genitals please him. Consider a god who respected the very thoughts, feelings, WILL and consciousness of his own children as sacred. So sacred that a… war …had been fought in heaven over it to make sure it would not be erased or compromised to force the will of someone else over their consciousness and will and existence. A god who looks at imperfect physical bodies and can work with it. And is not obsessed or squeamish about anyone’s genitals and actually loves the person inside, more than obsessing over a body part to the point of wanting them erased.

Then maybe even dare consider the possibility of something even more. A god with spirit children as numerous as the sands of the see, with spirit body differences that varied just as much as the physical bodies. A god with people on a spectrum of gender from extreme male to extreme female, to only slightly male or slightly female, with everything in between, overlap and people who were unsure and maybe even were trying to sort through such things even in the preexistence. A god with nonbinary spirit children who he created and loves. A god with spirit children questioning their gender even in the spirit world, who he knew would question it even in the spirit world and he was not afraid because he knew his end plan would help them explore and be able to determine for themselves who they are and would be. A god who looked at missing limbs, blindness, and any other variance and was not worried about healing it, after all the plan could make something mortal back to immortal. What was the triviality of addressing other physical aspects, or even gender in comparison as part of the process? A god loving his spirit children who were feeling dysphoric perhaps even in the spirit world, and who he had realized needed those experiences of misalignment specifically for their own learning so they themselves, not him, could realize for themselves, and from their own selves what their gender should be. A god who could look at it and say, I would have loved and accepted you either way no difference. I loved you enough I knew this mattered to you and wanted you to be able from experience to know and determine for yourself, not just from faith or presumption, what would be best for you and to know personally why and not have to wonder forever “what if”. A god whose ways are higher and more wonderous and vast and incomprehensible, not tied up neatly in a box to try to be force-fitted into the passages of a book selected to condemn others for being different.

Then consider again the god who looks at his children as is angry because it is his will that his children conform to his fanfic and his will and have the genitals are in those bodies, even if they hate it and it feels wrong to them, because this is not about their will or their happiness. This is about his selfish will and his own glory only and his happiness for himself alone at everyone else’s expense, and about everyone else pleasing him and his wants and desires and how he could never love his children if their genitals are not what he sent them to in the messed up misaligned bodies. And you will be made to obey and conform and to please him after this life, and He will make sure that anything that stands in his way of what he wants for your body in order to please himself gets erased or cast away from him forever. And it has to be that way to please his law and his will that He made to please himself, or to placate the law He is powerless over as an all-powerful god with whom all things are possible…except trans people.

Comparing these two god versions, I have seen both kinds of parents of trans people. The ones who could never love their trans kid unless the gender that pleases them; often also trying to blame someone else (usually god) so that they don’t have to take responsibility and above all so they can avoid even considering that they could love their child either way for who their child realizes they are and find happiness as. I’ve seen how they treat their kids, what they miss out on, the pain in the relationship, and how they are willing to sacrifice their children as human sacrifices on the altar to their god, and don’t even want the knife to be stayed that would kill who their child is inside. Who don’t hope the knife will be stayed at the last moment, but rather long for who their child is inside to be killed forever so they as a parent can then decide to then want them.

In stark contrast are the ones who love their kids enough that they can love them no matter what gender they realize they are and work to align to, and want their kids to be able to discover and know for themselves. Who have faith in a god who can love and work with and see and fully value their children either way, just as they do, rather than a cruel selfish god who is OCD about genitals and vindictive to anyone whose will or consciousness is not erased in order to please him, or thrown away and would be so petty as to even eternally doom them into a body made to please him and curse them as if to show either spite or dominance.

Harold B Lee, seems to have made his prejudgment (prejudice) without ever even having met any of us. Without ever even having studied it out any further than a dictionary, without ever even considering what doctors knew then or today. Of course, Lee was also towing the party line back then about blacks and the priesthood, and many other things, which time shows subsequent leaders and the church did not hold to Lee’s view of strictness and order that he focused on in this talk as god’s obsession.

It is clear to me which god version Lee was emulating in his talk obsessed about “order”. And the obsession with order didn’t age well for his talk. He talked in this same talk about exemption requests for civil marriages before temple marriages. He then says that sealing after is not a temple marriage, and not as valid as temple marriage in the first place because it is not the Lord’s way or command. Ironically, in the 50 years since… the church seems to have changed its mind and allows civil marriage before temple. In fact even back in 2001 in some countries (like Brazil where I got married in civilly before the temple, as directed by church leaders), the church had zero problem with it. Lee seemed obsessed about something that evidently, God decided He was not obsessed with. And recently relaxed not just for other countries but the whole church. Lee’s talk did not age will. Oh, by the way in this talk he also made sure to tell people that “A liberal in the church is simply one who doesn’t have a testimony. That’s all. If you’re liberal in the church and making decisions on your own it’s because you lack a Rock-Bottom testimony and faith in the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the leadership that presides today”. It would seem the leaders of the church have backed down from Lee’s claim on that as well.

In all of these, where was the courage at the start of leaders to be more honest and admit “I don’t know”, or for leaders to say “I’m not sure, this is just me guessing”. The now evidently presumptive guesses leaders made, have costs measured in harm to human people and families. In the same talk with a section about trans people Lee talked about folks campaigning for change in temple ordinances. Lee responded that they are not to be altered or changed. That all people are to be saved on the same instances of the ordinances. He talked about denying requests to make changes to speed the temple ordinance up or do it more quickly. Evidently in the years after the talk and even more recently to come God seem to have not agreed with him that it could not be changed and accomplish that, because it was changed both in regards to aspects meaningful to sisters and also in the length of it.

In other talks than this one Lee spoke of race being because of obedience or disobedience in the premortal life. The doctrine of premortal valiance meaning some are rewarded and favored more than others here on earth. In more recent years, the church has even dropped that claim. In addition to race being a penalty for premortal non-valiance, Lee also taught that people who took bodies like those that were handicapped (‘physical limitations’) were not valiant in the premortal life. Yeah you heard that right, that handicapped people were LESS valiant, not more valiant, not equals, not varying, not choosing it. It would seem since his time though, that God and leaders didn’t agree with Lee on that either. Lee was know to speak against interracial marriage. Evidently God didn’t side with Lee in the end on that either.

Similarly it breaks my heart to see the origins of transphobia in the church, were so presumptive, unstudied, made pre-judged (prejudice) in absentia with no trans person ever met, by someone who had to look up the word transsexual because he didn’t even know what it was and evidently didn’t even know the difference between abridged and unabridged dictionaries, and applied flawed logic and non sequitur in apples to oranges comparisons and added fearmongering to it as well. It breaks my heart to see it was an appeal to scripture trying to force-fit the creation to be narrow and exclusionary, in a church that has every reason in the world from it’s 4 accounts to know better than to attempt such a narrow view of the creation story to try to rule things out. It breaks my heart to see logical fallacy of ‘argument from ignorance’ being used to try to force-fit the creation narrative to exclude trans people. Argument from ignorance like for example claiming “There is no evidence that giant squid exist, and therefore, giant squid do not exist” appeals to an absence of evidence as evidence of absence. And, just as with giant squid which were eventually found and discovered… it often proves itself to be nothing more than a presumption that the claim could not support because of flawed logic. Of all people, theists who commonly understand this in the argument with atheists about the existence of god, should know better than to use a double standard and try to play that tactic to argue for the existence of god even if just by faith and without evidence, yet then turn around and argue for the nonexistence of trans people because one passage about the beginning that only talks about two humans as a sample size is attempted to be foisted to make sweeping generalities about uncommon humans? The origins of transphobia I (which at the root is fear, not hate) in the church were based on scripture in a way that the scripture does not support unless you try to force-fit a logical fallacy and overextend it to a apples to oranges context that the scripture about ‘in the beginning’ with vastly difference methods and circumstances that any trans person born today has faced or been born through.

I sit here and wonder, “How Long”? How long before the church takes a sober look at the shaky foundations and presumptive logical fallacies it relied on to arrive at its initial transphobia? Its efforts to stretch a creation account to be about people who aren’t in it, and were not created the same way, or in the same conditions, and is not apples to apples? How long before they can admit their own eagerness to accept unsupportive and presumptive philosophies of men based on logical fallacy and non sequitur trying to force-fit a passage of scripture in order to condemn its neighbor instead of get to know them, and learn to actually love, include, respect, understand, and support them not just in word, but in actual deed? We’ve seen claims from the originator like lesser premortal valiance with race and handicapped people, and claims about stigma for interracial marriage, and claims about no civil marriage first, and claims about race and priesthood all fall by the wayside, in spite of talks trying to reinforce and demand that it was part of God’s order and his character and will.

It’s been over 50 years since the church’s origins of transphobia at that conference where genealogists from throughout the church came listened, and then returned to an array of wards and stakes throughout the church; before the anti trans policies came a decade later in the handbook with no appeal for trans people in this life and literally listing us with murder in the not only excommunicate but unforgiveable section with no appeal in this life, and punishment even for physicians. That changed later too. Excommunication is no longer in the trans policy, nor impossibility of appeal, nor punishment of physicians. Did God change his mind and favor some people over others? Or are people very very slowly getting the courage to meet us, actually study and learn about us, and stop teaching and spreading fear about us, and daring to maybe try even loving us, or actually love and care about who we are? How long until the church is ready for us? 50 years since without even meeting us we were talked about with terms like ugly, hellish and devilish by someone who didn’t do their homework and never even knew any of us or our lives.

In August of 1970 when the church’s transphobic fears began, my mother and father were barely students on the BYU campus, not even married by Lee yet, and I was not even a glint in their eye and would not be born for years to come yet. Yet, the seeds were already being sewn churchwide that would help them fear me and the beliefs that would hurt me, my relationship with my parents, and leave me with permanent physical reminders for the rest of my life of just how much the church’s policy impacts trans people and others we know and love in our families of origin, relationships, and more.

I wish to be clear, the problem with Lee’s quote beyond the horrific language painting us in an ‘ugly’, ‘hellish’, and ‘devilish’ picture…. is not hate. It is fear. It sewed a belief that would make people fear us as from Satan, and as not real or deserving to eternally even exist. Belief that would lead people to fear the ‘hellish’, ‘devilish’, and even ‘ugly’ (I cried when I heard him say that word too). Belief that would not make people hate us, so much as fear us. Fear having a child like us. Fear of supporting us. Fear of realizing they are one of us. Fear of getting us or themselves medical treatment. Fear that would lead to children hiding from their own parents. Fear that would destroy parent child relationships, sibling relationships, marriages, families, and leave children to pay the price of the fears of others the desperately needed help from. Fear that would set people trans and non-trans up for failure and harm. Fear that would turn homes, parents, churches from being places a child should be the very most safe and welcome into being places a child, youth, and even adults had to hide themselves in and from, and have to leave to find peace or people they can feel genuinely wanted and loved around and trustable and safe with. A fear so powerful that even trans children would ingest and come to fear their own selves, or judge and condemn their own selves because they were taught fear. Beliefs that we are confusion or lust or desire from Satan, that did nothing to help us get medical help, now that the church seems to be trying to back down from demonizing us as as from Satan, and into trying to paint us as mentally ill and therefore to be treated as still not real and easy to be treated as dehumanized because we therefore don’t exist or even deserve to eternally. Demonizing and dehumanizing are classic strategies people use to get others to treat people differently.

And what breaks my heart? All it requires to demonize or dehumanize us? Faith. Not even evidence. To where not only do churches and religious families become places we can’t trust, they become the most dangerous and emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually destructive places that use mechanisms of faith darkly to believe without evidence not just in some god somewhere but rather also to believe, with zero evidence, horrific things about other people like me. And to try to use faith without any evidence to get people to believe horrific things about themselves and others, and to get parents to believe horrific things about their children.

Faith can be a beautiful thing. But when it is instead used to demonize, dehumanize, or try to justify treating someone as nonexistent or inferior… faith turns dark. That’s not faith like faith in a loving god. That’s not faith like faith in a Savior that will save you. It’s faith like I don’t have to treat them how I would want to be treated because they don’t and won’t actually exist and would be inferior if they did, and they are dangerous. It’s faith like, ‘I don’t have to love them as I would love myself, they are misled by Satan or are an illness and therefore I can and should treat them differently’. Its faith like ‘I don’t have to fully love them like myself, I’ll just have thanks that after I remake them in the image I want them to be that finally then I can love them fully’. It’s even sadly faith like is sold in abuse of “Oh this isn’t abuse, I am doing this harm to them because I love them”. It’s the kind of faith that can convince people to sacrifice trans children as offerings to their god, where god does not stay the knife or provide a sheep to rescue at the last minute.

I’m sorry but I see these things, and so many other things with the LGBT where leaders made claims about the LGBT or spread fears and false statements about us that the leaders had to walk back later because the claims were just not true. (Monogamy causing gayness, Masturbation causing gayness, curability, nobody born that way, Gays supposedly being retards in the 1984 pamphlet, children would be worse off with gay parents, that gay people were just lusting and only about sex and never real love of selfless love for partner. The problem becomes not even just the falsehoods, not even just the history, but the realization that the mechanism that allows for the made up presumptions that are false… has not been fixed. That history shows it is not reliable. That they sometimes fix each mistake but are repeatedly unable to fix the process so that more of it won’t keep happening. That their mistakes cost lives, and hurt families, and harm people over decades, centuries, or more. That with each of the falsehoods other people prayed about it and felt sure in their hearts that it was true, and that discernment isn’t even reliable or the epistemic approach. That the conditions for this errant process to repeat even over decades centuries are still fully intact, and the mechanisms to prevent detecting it and to resist and deliberately avoid detecting it, and incentives to not correct it…. all still exist. And worse yet… that if there is a god who sees all of this… it sure looks to me like he doesn’t even care who gets harmed by it. I cannot trust those men, not when it is my life at risk. Not when it I am in the group they have a history of erring with, not detecting, not fixing for decades, and being resistant to error correction.

The leaders making the decisions aren’t even the ones paying the severest costs of the decision! If ever there was a case for (1) personal revelation to matter over what leaders say, or (2) even just saying ‘No, leader, I don’t trust you because you’ve cried wolf too many times and have proven you are unreliable on this’… it is where the decision of unreliable leaders with a horrific track record on the LGBT, shows that it cannot even protect us from itself, cannot detect itself well, and has problems even correcting itself and that we as the LGBT and our parents and families are the ones who pay the price for it.

I have great love for the members of the LDS church. But as I watch leaders still ‘lovingly’ spread fear about those like me by teaching and treating us as not real (or even deserving to be), or confusion from Satan, and as if predators too dangerous to be in a relief society or even use a bathroom… this church is still not ready for us. It fears us, because it is taught to and has institutionalized that fear as a belief. It tries to talk to us in a loving tone now, but it still fear us, and spreads fear by action example and policy in how it treats us. It still wants us eliminated and gone in the eternities so they can have and love something else instead of us. And deep love is not a heart like that that has so little love it wants someone gone forever. The tone of how we are treated is love. But how we are treated, and what people will do to us or won’t is not based on love, it is based on belief that is used to inspire fear. As long as the LDS teach and believe we are sinful choice, sin, confusion from Satan, or an illness, they will treat us as if we ARE evil choice, sin, confusion from Satan, and illness. They will treat us like an illness instead of a person. They will treat us like who they wish they had instead of us. They will treat us as if we don’t even exist or ultimately deserve to after this life. They will do it lovingly in tone, sure. But no matter how much you lovingly treat someone as if who they are is an illness, it is NEVER the same as treating them as if who they are is real. It is not love that is the problem. It is belief-driven fear that limits what people will and wont do. Fear that grows from beliefs. Beliefs that need to challenged and based on how many times the leaders have shown they are inconsistent towards trans and LGB people in their history…. deserve to be challenged because the leaders themselves have shown themselves unreliable. And that is the kind version, that presumes God isn’t playing pull the rug out and changing God’s mind all the time about us, i.e. presumes that God is reliable (same yesterday today and forever).

I would love for the church to be ready for trans people. It isn’t. The leaders think they are. They think they are loving (but nobody loves a disease or nonexistent person, and that or worse is what they think we are). They think they respect us, their policy shows they don’t even respect us as real. That’s a nonstarter. They think they include us, while sending me to the foyer during Relief society and even activities, fearing us going into a bathroom, while teaching a god how has now room for us in his own house on earth (the temple)? By exclusion from salvific ordinances? That’s just not even close to being very honest about inclusivity. Not in the temple, the salvific ordinances, not even in their gendered classes. Certainly not in bathrooms where the leaders own fear fantasies go wild. They think they understand us? No. They think the support us? No. That claim and inclusiveness are probably the most deceptive terms they claim on the church’s site about trans people. And the degree that the church does not live up to the deceptive claims on it’s website about trans people is so bad that even the believing trans and trans allies in the church have to warn nonmember transgender people who attend about their own church, and often I have seen them afraid to invite or bring other trans people without warning them that the church will not live up to those claims, because the leaders have policy in place that treats us as if not real and that truly and really doing what it would take to actually love, include, respect, understand, and support us isn’t happening because the leaders themselves by policy and actions are preventing it, and are even the ones that still get parents to fear having a trans child and trans people to fear coming out or transitioning.

Restrictions are not Inclusion. Inability to support is not support. Treating someone as if not real, and maybe even dangerous is not Respect or Understanding. Hoping someday we don’t even exist as who we say we are in the afterlife is also not loving us, it is loving who one wants us sold out and replaced with to please oneself. The church has scaled its policies up to increase stigma about trans kids getting treatment to dress, take hormone blockers, later have hormones or get other medical help or surgery when of age. Nothing about that is supportive, loving, understanding, respectful, or inclusive. It spreads and teaches fear in trans people who fear coming out, and fear in parents who fear for their trans kid, fear in communities and fear getting help and makes even parents and sibling fear loving, including, respecting, understanding and supporting their own children, and siblings. The tone is not the problem. The policies based on beliefs and those unquestioned dark beliefs that get people to fear us and to treat us as to be feared as an outcome…. are the problem.

Until the church is ready for us, and not just fortunately found pockets of members but the leaders in it are ready for us especially at the top, at best I have to have believe that if there is a loving god he has a plan for us in spite of those leaders, both for those who stay and continue to be treated so poorly and for those who for their own safety, emotional and psychological wellbeing, spiritual growth, families, and more… cannot stay in the church until its leaders stop harming us and can show they are actually a place that is ready for us, and wants us (no asterisk) not just that thinks it is ready because it talks with a ‘nice’ loving tone but can’t deliver on the claims about how it tells the world it treats us. What about a church with leaders brave enough to consider that the ones who have feelings that are understandable to have but not to act on… are the the transphobic ones, not trans people. Trans + Phobia. i.e those who fear, (not hate) trans people. And here is the amazing thing. The feeling itself? Transphobia? It CAN be cured. Because it is taught and learned. It can be easily unlearned too. I would know having internalized transphobia early in my youth as a trans person, and much later also having unlearned it. I spent much of my life feeling and acting as a transphobe before I really allowed myself to truly know and love others like me. Before I dared question. Before I dared truly love them or me and not fear them or me. Before I dared come out of the closet as trans. The feelings of who I am as a trans person never died in spite of well meaning leaders who knew nothing of this and claimed it would. If anything it intensified, rather than fading as I was told to believe. But the feelings of transphobia? Gone. And it was a wonderfully loving and amazing change of heart.

Dear leaders and members, when the fear and spread of fear that stems from the beliefs about us and that is embedded into policy of how we are treated is finally addressed by confronting the beliefs that create that fear and actions towards us based on it… when it is finally addressed so you can start treating us as real instead of as if who we are is a disease/illness/inferiority/confusion by Satan/Sin, it will change everything about how you treat us, think of us, talk to us, not merely the tone. You will then be able to love, want, include, respect, understand, and support us… and we won’t question it or feel it for a deception, or shallow, or a superficiality, or a mockery… Maybe you will even be able to keep us with you instead of having us realize we have to leave for our own survival and well being and…. spiritual growth. I hope for the day when that comes, instead of just pretending that it already exists without policy or leadership or even the full memberships (though tiny parts are) even close to living up to it.

Search the history. Understand the shaky origins of the fears/beliefs/fallacies spread and invented about the LGBT and notice how much has changed and had to be backpedaled and how the church still has nothing to reliable prevent, detect, or fight resistance to correct it. Realize why we have every reason in the world to view your leaders as unreliable about us, and every reason in the world for us to be justified in being unwilling to trust them based on their actions and history and claims vs our firsthand knowledge and experience about our own selves. Maybe even consider that nothing about a bible made even those men who write in it exempt from logical fallacies, and prejudices and biases or selling the best guesses as if doctrine when it was really philosophy. If anything the LDS should be more able to realize that nothing about it being old and written by someone dead in a book means that it has to be the absolute unquestionable truth. Until the church is more honestly ready, maybe even have faith that your god has a plan for us even outside the church until your leaders are ready for us and can stop damaging us and our families and more. Use your faith for love, not to try to have dark beliefs about others, or to try to justify treating us as to be feared or lesser, or not even deserving to exist as ourselves after this life. I’ve seen beautiful things from faith in your church, but that is not one of them. Dare to believe in a god who could love us as much as an true LGBT ally, a Mama Dragon or Dragon Dad. Learn to love us to where you would never want us thrown away, just like you would never want your own spouses thrown away and overwritten to please someone else. We’re worth it. Our love for our spouses, our loving hopes and dreams, marriages, families, existences. We are worth it. We always have been, and always will be when the church and it’s leadership is finally ready for us. My hope, is that one day the fearmongering this started with, the dark beliefs about us can end, and people can remove the beliefs that act like stumbling blocks that create fear and hold back actually loving us for who we are. That maybe even one day the church, including its leaders would understand being as horrified at losing us as who we keep showing and telling people we are, as you would be horrified to have your own existence erased and changed into a lawn chair in order to please someone else.

In the beginning, the church’s leaders unsupportably presumed dark things about us and spread fear. That beginning is now fifty years ago. We don’t live in that time. It doesn’t have to be the way the church started in the beginning of it’s painfully tragic relationship with trans people. There is a future that can be different. The present and that future can be written differently than the beginning. You can’t change that past. But it can be learned from. When the leaders and church is ready for us… there can be a new… beginning.

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Meaning, Purpose, Happiness and Buzz Lightyear as a Post-Mormon

I have been asked from time to time what the purpose of life, identity, happiness, and personal meaning even means once a believer no longer believes Mormon truth claims.  Well, compared to all the grandeur that the church pitches with concept of GodSchool the ultimate high stakes final exam including amnesia, epic good vs evil conflict, divine destiny and mission with eternal glory or punishment/regret for all time and eternity, with one’s very family and all generations of time, worlds without number all hanging in the balance…  well I can see how a True Blue/Believing Mormon (TBM) sincerely might wonder, what comes next for a PostMormon (PostMo).  How comparatively does one find purpose, meaning, identity or even happiness when one does not and no longer even can pretend the LDS narrative any more?  My go to answer is Buzz Lightyear.


Sure, there are numerous movies that capture much of the ExMo/PostMo journey, experience and states of being.  I particularly appreciate metaphors and analogies one can draw from movies like The Truman Show, Oblivion, The Matrix, Pleasantville, The Giver, Tangled, The Village, Kumare, Disturbing Behavior, Cloud Atlas, Sons of Perdition (about FLDS males who leave), The Wizard of Oz, Divergent, The Adjustment Bureau, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, Trolls, The Croods.  I also even some episodes of Gravity Falls Cartoons like “Weirdmageddon 2 Escape from Reality” , “The Last Mabelcorn” , and “Society of the Blind Eye”.  Beyond just capturing the ExMo/PostMo transition experience though, some shows vary in ability to capture the change in identity, meaning, purpose, and happiness.  So I would add to the list above that The 6th Day captures that in an interesting way.  So does American Idol with some contestants who wake up shocked they didn’t pass their auditions.  Mike Wozowski in Monster’s University is a excellent example of the identity bubble bursting and needing to find new purpose too.  Even Emmett in the Lego Movie when he realizes he is not the ‘special’ is a decent example.   But I suspect most true believing Mormons (TBM) will be most familiar with some very intense and well developed scenes in Toy Story than most of these others because it is such a common family film that most “family oriented” (aren’t they all?) Mormons would just plain know and love.  Also, and I think it really does a good Job of focusing in and clearly showing key moments in Buzz’s journey.

So many scenes introduce immediately and very vividly the disconnect between TBMs (Early Buzz) and ExMos (Woody) throughout the movie.  But beyond just that, here are some particularly noteworthy events that follow Buzz’ faith transition:


The authenticity and all in depth of Buzz’s Before state.  And the immediate disconnect in Philosophy with Post-Mos (Woody) including annoyance and frustration.


The depth of Buzz’ denial state and amazing mental gymnastics and physical gymnastics to maintain it.  Same scene also captures an PostMo’s (Woody’s) frustration at people not seeing through it.


This one captures Buzz Lightyear’s sense of purpose, meaning in life, in great depth.  One also finds Woody expressing his purpose, though compared in grandeur, Buzz immediately dismisses it as trivial and unmeaningfully inferior to himself and his own comparatively.  It also captures so well, the disconnect in mo/ former mo style beliefs, and the inability of the more grand framework to even contemplate credibility of something seemingly less grand.  It also captures very well the angry, argumentative phase of ExMos, though to a PostMo or woody it probably seems ludicrous to even be having to explain things, and to have to be so passionate to make the point, that Woody may not perceive himself as argumentative, just passionately pointing out truths and frustrated at inability to see them even realized.  The pitying reaction of Buzz…speaks volumes too.


The tear-jerking window fly/jump/fall scene.  In this scene, Buzz is finally has already been challenged with a cognitive dissonance he cannot ignore and has been seriously investigating.  Evidences that strike him personally and solid.  It is so uncomfortable that he seems to be in shock, agony, and denial all at once.  He seems to enter despair, and denial even further until he is willing to go to the ultimate lengths to see not just if it is true…but if his claims are ….false.  And the look of pure defiance and utter belief followed by sheer horror when he jumps in full faith…  and then utter despair makes my eyes still tear up to this day.  So many PostMos who once also did likewise, immersing deeper, doubling down, working even harder to not let the shelf crack try so hard to refuse to beleive it… yet still eventually find that they are falling, falling, falling and that faith won’t conjure evidence or remove others, until after investigating fully they crash hard on the floor, broken, and in even further disbelief that they could not trust what they thought they had imagined they could.  The look of Buzz after he sees his arm on the floor, realizing this is just not something he can even try to explain or pretend is true any more even if he wanted to.


Buzz flips out.  As if gone totally crazy.  It’s hard to tell if has gone crazy in despair and sadness, or if it is a form laced more with think anger in sarcasm, as he starts ranting, goes nuts again from the trauma of the awakening, admits his depression, is sure (negotiating stage) that he can get through this, and then immediately and flamboyantly breaks down again about his life being a sham, and his years wasted.  For some this stage is more anger, and for others more sadness, depression, despair. And I have found those two emotions often mask each other.  But he is very outwardly showing very strong emotion in great pain and frustration.  Just like the anger/sadness stages for Mos/PostMos undergoing transition.  It does not show the aftershocks throughout his life that are common, and Buzz is lucky his stage lasts so short, nice to be a cartoon.  He ends up being very lucky to have Woody and a WHOLE amazingly loving community of others to help him.  He is even luckier to not be surrounded by a whole community of Buzz Lightyears trying to convince him otherwise by all kinds of tactics mental, physical, emotional, social, psychological.  (More on that later).


In this clip, Buzz Finally accepts a different reality than he had been misled to believe.  He starts out in this scene feeling useless.  Purposeless.  What’s the point.  i.e. what is the meaning of his life now that his delusions of grandeur were…well what they were.  I think many TBMs can foresee this phase in their life if they were to leave.  It scares them so much it contributes to keeping them from leaving, just as much as the grandeur in sense of purpose lures and keeps others in as well.  He realizes he is not a space ranger.  He is just a “stupid insignificant little toy” in his own bitter words.  And when Woody who understand just how much there is in being a toy, speaks up, Buzz cannot comprehend it at first.  He could not before in past scenes either, remember?  Listen to what Woody points out.  The meaning and purpose of Buzz and Woody to that child (Andy).  It takes a while for Buzz to even realize just how much is there that he overlooked.  How much meaning between people, in being needed, in helping, in loving even without a scope of gloriously painted epic grandeur lauded forever.  Meaning in just being a human, in being a parent or loving a child, in loving our children, in helping them, in things that compared to the space ranger or god in embryo themed grandeur…  seem less significant.  But are they?  No. What changes?  Not just Buzz’s understanding of truth and reality.  His expectations change too.  His realization that he may have overlooked just how much there was in something he grossly underestimated before only because something illusory was pitched as so much greater.  And he realizes this time, the purpose is real.  It has real meaning, purpose, even happiness.


It is different.  It will not seem as glorious to some.  But Buzz has changed, and is more interested in what is real.  And purpose he finds.  Meaning too.  Amazingly, throughout the Toy Story series, we find that even as Andy ages and seems to outgrow his Toys…  others need him at Sunnyside Daycare, even a child at a new home… a child he never even knew before (again).  He finds purpose and meaning with and among the other toys too and helping others.  Things he knew, but dismissed (hastily) before as paling in comparison, or as just way posts on his greater delusions of grandeur purpose before.  And he finds that it fills him with purpose, meaning, fulfillment, happiness.  It is there to find, again and again, even when one purpose seems outgrown or changed.  He starts to realize that a purpose does not need to be spun as a story of incomprehensible epic glory honor and eternal all-eclipsing grandeur, to have equally deep meaning and purpose, and that size matters not with things like that.   The Meaning Purpose and Happiness are measured not comparatively but by the depth and measures of their beholder which can be so different.


In this clip, I think Buzz relives every ExMo’s worst nightmare.  Buzz has come full circle to where Woody was in the early dialogues they had.  He is surrounded and cannot escape from TBMs.  He feels and IS trapped. I will point out here, how he comprehends it, but there is no way in the world he can go back to believing it this way in conflict no matter what that other ‘space ranger’ tries to do to convince him.  Here we find one difference.  Buzz has no family trapped in those other rocket packages…or if he considers them close like family/friends…the movies only goes into it a little with the one who tails him and semi-cooperates to help?  I wonder if he felt closer to the other space rangers, if he too would want to help them, and run into the same frustrations he has with the one he literally fights, and that Woody had with him.   Or if it would have been emotionally harder for him to deal with or not be influenced by emotions, familiarity, psychology, sociality, mental biases, and all other processes.   Note also that there is no bad guy in this scene.  Even Buzz gets that the other Buzz is acting out of good intentions and is a good person.  Harm results anyway.  Good intentions are not needed to cause harm, hurt, damage, or even evil.

In later movies, Buzz even gets reconverted to TBM Buzz by very direct mind tampering albeit.  I don’t think most PostMos would claim the church is that direct in its methods, nor is any religion.  Rather it is far more subtle, accumulating, socially and environmentally enveloping, persistenting, growing, and accumulating over time, frequent, sporadically intense, constant, and accomplishes its means by emotional and psychological tactics (even if well intended still harmful), mental bias/fallacy tricks, social and family vulnerabilities, and more that are much less overt, but not any less effective on their own timescale.  Enough that some PostMos…do go back when under such pressures, but those I have met who do…I think often seem to have a little more understanding and empathy for those who do not…having walked the path, and a little less arrogance in assertion compared to before….and even they usually do not seem to be the same as they ever were before as TBMs.

One of the things I find most remarkable about Buzz?  Yeah.  He loses his awesome cool, glorious, popular overachiever over-aggrandized, amazing one-up-cooler-than-everyone image, purpose and claims associated with being an uber space ranger who saves the galaxy, and instead becomes… an even more real, honest, down to earth, lovable, amazing and just as purposeful, meaningful, happy, person.  It took him time.  His movie transition is far faster than a real person’s.  Was he freaking annoying to Woody along the way as a TBM?  You better believe it.  Was he still lovable to others, even to other toys who did not fully accept his claims?  Yes.  Lovable and also very annoying… at the same time.  Lovable even in delusion, with it and because of it.  Lovable even in ways that had nothing to do with it, by his courage, spirit, and personal attributes that he retained both before and after.  And that I think is why it is so difficult and complex sometimes in the Mo/PostMo relationships… when lovable and yet annoying are so strongly present together in one person that we love.  The more of a stranger a TBM is to us, I think the more the annoying part of the balance weights heavier.  But the more we know a TBM, the more personally frustrating and intense the discussions and interactions can be like Woody vs Buzz and Buzz vs Buzz.

But Buzz’s story, to me is beautiful  It IS the PostMo’s story.  It is the story that there is purpose, meaning, happiness, even when something with comparatively incomprehensible larger scale of grandeur…wind up to be realized as a delusion of grandeur.  There is a time phase and even recurrences of denial, anger, sadness, even depression, often not quick and in years.  Mileage varies by person, and many factors that surround them like family, support, community, years in, emotional depth in, etc.  There is very volatile flare up point where many TBMs see most visibly at first in transition.  There is more in the larger process than that afterwards though.  There is healing over time accumulating.  There is acceptance.  There are others who care.  There are innately good qualities in us that were always there independent of the church and still are.  There is rediscovery.  There is purpose in life.  Meaning in life.  Happiness.  It is different.  Not lesser.  Different.


And because of the comparative methods of trying to measure by size, epicness, eternalness, glory, grandiosity and all else…it may seem incomprehensible or difficult to explain to a TBM without them viewing it as ‘lesser’ or inferior.  I have heard the TBM labels of Joy vs Happiness Vs Pleasure and how unfortunately supposedly only Mormons can have Joy and all others are limitd to happiness or pleasure.  It’s BS labeling and a fine example of another manipulative psychological technique among many.  I think the inability to comprehend another purpose, meaning, or happiness being equal is because in a large part they don’t realize just how deep some of the things they overlook or take in as purpose and meaning truly are, even without anything more.  Nor how things can grow to fill gaps that are vacated of former things that become realized as not really having been real to begin with. And I can understand the ease in overlooking them even when seeing them as a part of that huge epic grandeur picture while they are looking at the flashy grandeur purpose they are sold.  The patented branded conditioned way of thinking is designed to make any other purpose seem inferior.  To make one fear that one will feel meaningless, purposeless, unable to find happiness, afraid of those losing meaning purpose and happiness.  That is by design.  Not just as a tactic to attract followers, but also as a fear tactic to retain them or fear of losing those things.  Perhaps well intended.  Just as potent and harmful as many other techniques one comes to realize are in action too.


The beauty?  The Beauty is that there is more to the story.  There is happiness after.  There is purpose.  There is meaning.  It is different.  Not lesser.  It has many of the same things, but they take on far different, even far different spaces of meaning and purpose than they did before when they felt dwarfed and that they had to be reserved in scope comparatively.  Different, when they find themselves framed in a very different context compared to being side notes in an epic grandeur context. It does not come immediately.  That healing period, that time period, also scares people. But there is more than the anger, more than the sadness, there is more.  The happy, the purpose, the meaning, does get found.  We always want it to be quicker.  Buzz’ story…and those of so many others that I mentioned…are not tragedies.  They are only tragedies if you stop the film early, or don’t know that there is far more after their awakening starts, and painful transition begins or stretches out.  There is more in those examples, and in people’s lives too.
These experiences are not limited to Mormonism either.  I already suggested that with one of the movies about the FLDS.  JWs, and all kinds of others who go through faith transitions follow journeys similar, with processes similar and different content or flavors in it.  Some of us even find ourselves going through this kind of identity crisis more than just once, i.e. in aspects that are not religious at all.


Talk to someone LGBT about how this same process played out for them, especially if they went through a faith transition in addition to coming out to themselves and others about being LGBT.  So many who are in complete denial, rationalizing with mental gymnastics, until they finally realize they cannot ignore what is real.  Some go through sadness, anger, bargaining, very visibly emotionally loud and hostile phases, and acceptance.  The support of family, friends and others plays out very similarly in those situations for the LGBT.  Process very much the same just with content (beliefs) that is different than religious beliefs.  Often with very similar tactics (emotional, psychological, mental bias, social/family) just applied on a different subject.  The fear is real.  The pain is real.  So much so that some of the LGBT end their lives if they cannot get the help they need, thinking it cannot possibly ever get better.  Sound like a familiar wondering thought about purpose, meaning, happiness?  That’s because it is very similar.  Would it be odd to suggest that some who go through very traumatic faith transition or other traumas also do consider taking their lives? Not at all.  But in all cases that need not be the destination.  There are people to help.  There are places to find.  There is life beyond the perceived impossibility of ever getting better.  Meaning, Purpose, happiness even.  It is very different in some ways than how one would measure before.  And the difference in how one measures is what makes it so difficult for people in different camps to evaluate what is meaning, purpose, and happiness.  People have a habit of overestimating what they are familiar with, to the point where different is assumed to mean lesser, or not as good.  Not so.  Different need not be lesser.  It is just….different.  And yet, it is real.  Not lesser.  Merely real and different.

I write this in hope of creating understanding to answer the question of how does one find meaning, purpose, and happiness after leaving a belief system.  I write this to give some understanding.  I write this to give others hope.  I write this because I once did not believe it possible.  I write this because I was wrong.  I write this because of the meaning, purpose, and happiness I find with my daughters and those I love far more than I had weighed them before, with greater personal honesty and congruence than I had before, with a humanity that is not as doom and gloom as I once thought, but that can do amazing things together. I write this because for me too, meaning, purpose, even happiness are not lesser.  They are different.  Greater than before?  Um, sure, OK, in some things Yes.  Lesser than before, um sure OK, in some things Yes.  If you ar going to try and force that kind of not really representative comparison and measurement approach. There are positive and negative trade-offs.  I don’t miss the fear or shaming parts, and many other things too.  Community and family, security in belief and acceptance, I miss in ways, but it has also changed in others, and I have found some which are far more meaningful and I am thankful for than ever I was before.  Changes in what was Illusory in some things and real in other things before that seemed more illusory?  Yes and Yes.  At the same time, yes.  All these Yes answers are again why I point to that is part of why it is different, not necessarily better or worse.  Meaning, Purpose, Happiness?  Yes.  They become different, not lesser.  It measures differently.  For me, they are evolving and growing in interesting directions even still.  I hope this answers questions for some people.


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The Prayer of the Zoramites: Modern Version for General Conferences

Adapted from Alma 31, and likened unto our day:

15 Holy, holy God; we believe that thou art God, and we believe that thou art holy, and that thou wast cisgender heterosexual, and that thou art cisgender heterosexual, and that thou wilt be cisgender heterosexual forever.
16 Holy God, we believe that thou hast separated us from our LGBT+ brethren; and we do not believe in the validity of the sexual orientation or gender identity of our brethren, which we once claimed they were not born with, but now officially claim we don’t know, but sometimes still claim they are not born with, but do not really care as long as they act like us instead; but we believe that thou hast elected us to be thy holy children; and also thou hast made it known unto us that there shall be no lesbians, bisexuals, gays, or transgender people in the highest level of thy celestial kingdom save their very identity and orientation shall be erased to be made like unto ourselves, while all others who do not act like us shall still have the same desires that they did in this life as an eternal punishment afterwards.
17 But thou art cisgender heterosexual yesterday, today, and forever; and thou hast elected us that we shall be saved, whilst all around us who have a different sexual orientation or gender identity and act not like unto us are elected to be cast by thy wrath down to hell or at least to a more shameful kingdom of glory than ourselves; for the which holiness, O God, we thank thee; and we also thank thee that thou hast elected us, that we may not be led away by choosing, or being born with, nah, or just choosing to follow the traditions of themselves, which doth bind them down to a belief in their sexual orientation or gender identity, which doth lead their hearts to wander far from thee, our God, and to not act like unto us.
18 And again we thank thee, O God, that we are a chosen and a holy cisgender, heterosexual people. Amen.

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Experiencing Transition Of A Loved One

A story I try to share for insights for someone struggling or grieving a transgender friend or family member who is transitioning or transitioned, is a story from the movie The Shawshank Redemption.  An innocent man, Andy, is falsely convicted for the murder of his wife and her lover. Since his state has no death penalty, he is given two consecutive life sentences and sent to the notoriously harsh Shawshank prison. While there he befriends an inmate, Red, and the movie follows the time at Shawshank and also their friendship.  Andy’s part is played by Tim Robbins and Red’s part is played by Morgan Freeman.  For those who have not seen it before, I recommend you do before reading further (I will minimize spoilers to the extent I can, but it’s not fully possible to discuss this and do so), and to appreciate the full analogy.   It is a moving about a harsh prison experience, so watch it filtered for content/language if that bothers you, or unfiltered if it does not.   Either way, I have found the story has strong parallels for understanding not only the transgender experience on trans people, but also to some degree for those who love them and whom they love as well as the experience and challenges they all face.

shawshank-redemption-1At a certain point in the movie, Red loses Andy and goes through reflection and grieving.  Here are his words on his experience:

“Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled. It always makes you laugh.”

“Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright… and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice… but still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend.”

Never have I read a more beautiful description of loving someone and wanting happiness for their life, yet also grieving and mourning losing them at the same time.

As you consider the story, you may eventually realize that for a time Andy had a choice of whether to stay or go; An excruciatingly painful, tormented, conflicted, risky, deadly, and difficult choice.  Those kinds of difficult experiences and choices that could break a person’s spirit, will to live, or even humanity are explored in a few different ways in the movie, and will leave you to ponder and compare outcomes.  You may even realize that Andy probably did stay for a time even when he could have gone already.  He appears to have tried his best to stay because he cared and wanted to be with the friends who meant so much to him to create good in the world there and for them in ways he could.  Eventually though, it becomes too much even for him to stay.  He, like others in the story, is confronted with a decision of mortality many trans people unavoidably have had to stare straight in the face – and must confront his will to live and what it will mean.  “Get busy living, or get busy dying”.

We learn earlier about another inmate, Brooks, who after 40 years received parole but had become so institutionalized to prison life that he could not make it on the outside.  Eventually Brooks takes his own life when he is unable to fir within or cope with expectations and demands of him by the world that surrounds him.  Brooks, Andy, and even Red eventually all have to confront this decision in the story, and the outcomes stand in stark contrast.


At one point facing the worst, Andy asks Red if he thinks he (Red) will ever get out of there.  As they talk Andy shares his dreams, and prods Red to consider his own fears and dreams if they could ever both get out:

Andy: Do you think you’ll ever get out of here?

Red: Me? … Yeah. One day, when I got a long white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs, they’ll let me out.

Andy: Tell you where I’d go. Zihuatanejo.

Red: Zi…what?

Andy: Zihuatanejo. It’s in Mexico. A little place on the Pacific. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?

Red: No.

Andy: They say it has no memory.  That’s where I wanna live the rest of my life. Warm place with no memory. Open up a little hotel, right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat.  Fix it up new.  Take my guests out charter fishing.

Red: Zihuatanejo?

Andy: You know, a place like that, I’d could use a man who knows how to get things.

Red: I don’t think I could make it on the outside Andy. I mean, I’ve been in here most of my life. I’m an institutional man now. Just like Brooks was.

Andy: Well, you underestimate yourself.

Red: I don’t think so…   I mean, in here I’m the guy who can get things for ya, sure. But, outside all you need is the yellow pages.  Hell, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.  Pacific Ocean? Sh..yeah. Probably scare me to death something that big.

Andy:  Not me.  …


Andy goes on as if dreaming; sad for being wrongfully imprisoned and also sorry  for whatever mistakes he has done in his life and tried as best he can to pay for.  He tells Red that he doesn’t think the dream of the hotel and the boat is too much to ask for.  I would suggest that Zihuatanejo is a metaphor for the life dream that trans people’s hearts cry out for.  And I think Shawshank is a metaphor for the prison they find their true selves trapped in by nothing more than virtue of being born into the societal gender prison they find their true inner self trapped and hiding in.  The conversation continues:

Red: I don’t think you oughta be doin this to yourself Andy. These are just shitty pipe dreams. I mean Mexico is way the hell down there, and you’re in here! And that’s the way it is!

Andy: Yeah.  Right.  That’s the way it is!  It’s down there, and I’m in here.  I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really?  Get busy livin, or get busy dyin.

Red:   What the hell does that mean?

Andy rises and walks away. Red lunges to his feet!

Red: Andy?

Andy:  (turns back):  Red, if you ever get out of here, do me a favor. There’s this big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is?

Andy explains to Red how to find it.  We and Red begin to realize that Andy is talking oddly, like someone who does not believe they will be around much longer and is passing on what few possessions they have to benefit someone that survives them.

Andy:  Promise me, Red. If you ever get  out, find that spot. In the base of that wall you’ll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. A piece of black volcanic glass. You’ll find something buried under it I want you to have.

Red:  What? What’s buried there?

Andy:  You’ll just have to pry up that rock and see.

Andy turns and walks away.

Red becomes rightly fearful as things are so painful in Andy’s life at that point, that Andy will kill himself.  Red learns just before lockup that Andy asked for and was given a 6 foot length of rope as a favor from a well-intending and trusting friend who simply and foolishly overlooked the danger.  One of his other friends assures him “Andy’d never do that. Never.”  But then he and others all look to Red who is not so sure and responds sad and aware of harsh reality that “Every man’s got a breaking point”.    Red knows Andy will be faced  – Alone –  with the choice to end his own life readily available to him in his cell that night.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAZ8AAAAJGRkZTM0NzAxLWJiMjEtNDBkNS05OGUzLWU0MjlhNGEyZjI1YQWhat happens next is probably the most striking, emotional, and for some, stunningly incomprehensible part of the movie.  But it is not at all incomprehensible to a trans person who has had to ponder the grave and serious pain, struggle, and difficulty that the realities of such a metaphorical choice translate to in their own life.  Andy’s mind state, fears, actions, struggle, and overwhelming emotions and resolve to see his actions through is immediately recognizable to a trans person who has faced or still considers facing the difficulty of his decision.  Do not jump to any preset judgement or conclusions if you have not seen the movie.  You will have to watch this part for yourself.

After Red loses Andy, he reflects beautifully but hurting like I mentioned earlier about how “Sometimes I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged…”  He misses his friend.  Red’s soliloquy is perhaps the most touching part of the movie in many ways.  Red goes on to reflect further about his own fears and working through the emotions of missing his friend and a longing for peace and fear he will never resolve the situation:

“But there are times I curse him for the dreams he left behind… dreams where I am lost in a warm place with no memory. An ocean so big it strikes me dumb. Waves so quiet they strike me deaf. Sunshine so bright it strikes me blind. It is a place that is blue beyond reason. Bluer than can possibly exist. Bluer than my mind can possibly grasp. I am terrified. There is no way home.”

We and Red eventually recall Andy’s last conversation with him.  A conversation where Andy tried to pass on to Red one last gift to explore.  Metaphorically we can see see this as  a last hope of some way to somehow reach out to to his friend to help him remember or meaningfully connect with him.  When red eventually is released from prison some time later as an old man, we see him make an effort to reconnect with the Andy from his memories.

I want to specifically point out that it must have taken Red some real courage, and investment and effort to seek the place out and to search for and find it.  After making this nontrivial effort, Red does find the place, and gets a message Andy somehow arranged to have waiting for him there.  Andy alludes to the now more fully understood concept of “Zihuatanejo” again.  Having seen Andy’s own actions all too well to show the difficult path it took him to reach this concept of “Zihuatanejo”, Red now too finds himself faced with fear to even consider Andy’s proposition to follow the same path that Andy did.  The message arranged to reach Red is as follows:

“Dear Red. If you’re reading this, you’ve gotten out. And if you’ve come this far, maybe you’re willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don’t you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I’ll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.  Your friend, Andy.”



By now we have already found Red is conflicted in life outside prison and how to move on or cope with his unexpected situation.  I would suggest Red’s confusion, desires for things to make sense again, and conflict is much like that of someone who feels they have lost a trans person who undergoes transition.  It is a new world for the person who did not transition.  One he struggles to understand and fit in with.  Nothing that match the expectations that his former society (prison in his case) had institutionally imprinted on him or prepared him to know how to handle.  Red is afraid, and finds himself confronted as much or perhaps even more as a person losing a trans friend might be confronted with a serious choice about whether and how to continue his own life.  Similarly, a conflicted friend of a trans person might be fearful of how to continue or metaphorically how to attempt to connect or have courage to reengage with their trans friend now through this scary new concept of “Zihuatanejo”.   Above and beyond his fear of the pursuing the concept of Zihuatanejo, Red finds as part of it that he too has reached a point in his own life where he must face same decision of whether to end his own life that Andy and Brooks had faced too.  Perhaps that is just how much it takes some people to understand what a trans person has had to go through with their own thoughts and decisions.

Red: Terrible thing, to live in fear.  Brooks Hatlen knew it. Knew it all too well. All I want is to be back where things make sense. Where I won’t have to be afraid all the time.

Red glances up at the ceiling beam of his apartment, the same one Brooks had where brooks parting words were “Brooks Hatlen was here.”

Not surprisingly Red is scared.  He is unsure if he can bring himself to do what Andy did.  As the surviving friend left behind, Red is now faced with his own set of internal conflicting questions similar in some ways to Andy’s as he fearfully decides that he too will follow suit in pursuing Andy’s concept of “Zihuatanejo”.  They may fear like Red that what they seek to find in their friend is not the same as what they remembered, and that things can never be the same.  A friend of a person who is now trans, might also someday face the reality of just how short their own life is, or how short their trans friends may be, and how little time we are all given here.  Perhaps it takes that kind of realization to overcome the fear of reengaging to reach out and connect with that trans friend who seems so different in ways that also seem so foreign.

As Red finds his courage to commit and face the seemingly impossible border and terrifying fears he must cross to reach out to reconnect throught that concept of “Zihuatanejo”, Red gives his own parting and final words to us as he faces his fears too:

“I find I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain… I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.”

85550b6a85dd239b11e1f27213e8cd86--shawshank-redemption-second-languageDo not prejudge, if you did not watch the movie.  Anyone who watches this movie, even those who presume otherwise at first, will realize that its message is about hope.  Indisputably.  Hope for all of us.  There is so much more to this movie as a metaphor that a trans person can directly relate to.  But here I am trying to focus on the parts that may be healing or helpful for a friend who is struggling or to heal or build anew their relationship.  It can feel scary.  Terrifying even to try.  It requires a real commitment and courage and desire to reach out.  Some past friends of people transitioning or transitioned as trans will not be able to give it.  Some may not be able to at first, but will eventually with time and more realization, courage, and hope.  For other past friends of a transitioning or now transitioned trans person, it really requires a realization of your and their own mortality and that of others and how little time we have in this life.  For all past friends, it requires meaningful effort to  reach out to and engage with that person who is now trans.  Real effort.  Not half-hearted effort.  Not effort to try and make them impossibly and irrationally go back to a life of pain in prison; that won’t happen.  But I suspect you, like Red, will find that in their metaphorical pursuit of their “Zihuatanejo” concept, in their choice to get busy living or get busy dying, your trans friend will also try to leave in their departing path whatever way they can to reach out to and connect with any of their past friends who eventually find the courage to face the fears it takes to try to connect in a different way and a different context with them as a trans person in whatever meaningful way is still possible.  Why?  Because they love you.  They always did.  They know you may need a little or a lot of time to grieve and consider what you will do.  They know as you do or may, that life does not give infinite time.  They have saved room in their hearts for you even if it cannot be like it was before, even if you and they have differences, even if some of them will not be able to makes sense like it used to while other things are part of the same person you always knew.   They know why they must be where they now are.  The grief and loss reaches them too.  They miss you.  They too grieve losing you.  They, just like you, miss their friend.  They still love you.  They hope too.


My experience is that the pacific IS as blue as it has been in my dreams.  And yes.  I hope.

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How To Seek To Destroy The Agency Of Man: A 101 Primer Course


I am told Satan had a plan.  Nobody ever says what magical powers he was going to use to do it.  I have a practical idea though.  No, not Magic Mind Control and magic powers to force our limbs to march like robots right?  Yeah, I heard that a lot.  Or maybe an injection or computer device implanted in the brain to force them to do right.  Wow, getting way out there.  Here’s a thought.  What if it could all be accomplished, without any magic at all?  Just using Psychological techniques, Social tactics, Mental tricks, emotional manipulation, and other rather well known tactics we see all around us?  Whoa.  What if the tools to impair agency or control people using coercion, duress or other techniques….what if that was enough?  What might some non-magic but very useful tools to destroy the agency of man be?  Or tools to at least impair it, influence, it and control it covertly?  Could there be primitive tools that diminish agency, and work god enough to not even need magic?  How might one using available tools, seek to destroy the agency of man?

1.  Slavery justified by religious text.
2.  Subjugate Women, but don’t call it slavery
3.  Make them think they are always being watched and judged so they won’t act normally.
4.  Use fear, so they workout salvation in fear and trembling instead of how they honestly would if not faking it under duress.
4.  Use peer pressure to make them conform
5.  Threaten them with fear of damnation
6.  Hold their family hostage; make them think they’ll lose them forever
7.  Threaten them with being burned if they don’t pay
8.  Condition them into the desired behavior, using repetitive rituals
9.  Create church courts that dole out social consequences like excommunication, or disfellowship, or labels of apostate when natural consequence is not enough.
10.  Make them believe they are incompetent and unable to get reliable answers themselves, so they will rely on a leader
11.  Prey on their lack of knowledge of what came before to create an identity where the test is an all or nothing god school final exam, so they act out of anxiety.
12.  Indoctrinate them in a belief system before they are developmentally able enough to think for themselves.
13.  Make them hide their identity of it is not something you approve of.  Then use the guilt of hiding to shame them into self loathing.
14.  Use their love and emotions against them; prey on them using group control/influence techniques.
15.  Hide the truth from them and surround them by cons, and allow them only poor unreliable, fake-able methods of evidence, so no matter what they do it can never be an evidence or truth informed decision.
16.  Create whole cultures and institutions or even family dynamics that they feel like they need to belong to for survival, so they act out of survival rather than honestly.
17.  Make them believe they are always at fault, and the organization never is, until they believe it, doubt themselves, and do what they are told for safety.
18.  Isolate dissenters so that alternate paths are hidden from others, punish them publicly to make an example, so people will limit their choices to the approved ones.
19.  Make them fear to investigate all sides and all sources.  Teach them to have faith in an enemy who lies so well that god could never overcome him.  Make them fear to get information.
20.  Create thousands of religions so people feel supported in the trap of each one, and can spend their whole life overwhelmed that they will never know the truth, and could fall into any of those traps.
21.  Leave no reliable epistemology, so people have to surrender to questionable means that get them to follow others who can claim truth without reliable evidence.
22.  Use cult techniques but not just with one group.  Create thousands using them in different combinations, levels of severity, levels of intensity, some that look watered down and socially approved enough to not even be dangerous.
23.  Make sure people don’t think that any of these techniques repeated across a lifetime or from birth could have any impact or impair, coerce, or influence their agency.  it is important that they still think their agency is not compromised, and that they are acting honestly as they would if there actually  were a veil of forgetfulness where we could see how people would really act and choose if honest.

Why would Satan need magic?  There are techniques that do the job pretty dang well already.  Social, Mental, Psychological, Emotional.  The more I look at what techniques are used on earth today to control people, or impair their agency, or coerce them, it is impossible to not see all the techniques used inside of religions.  Don’t believe me? just look at all religions except your favorite one.  I think people assume that the devil would use magic powers or injections of some serum, or a machine that implants into the brain to force people to do things.  Somehow I doubt it.  I wonder, if there was a war in heaven, I suspect many of these same mental, social, emotional, and psychological techniques would have been used in that war.  I wonder if they would not also have been suggested as the techniques to be used in Satan’s plan.  They work so well.  Why not?

I think it is funny that people who believe in a war in heaven, and Satan having a plan to destroy the agency of man, can so easily believe that he would use magic to do it, when tools that are more than adequate for the job are in clear and evident practice right here on earth today.  No magic required.  It seems every religion intentional or not even seems to stumble onto Satan playbook of techniques to impair agency, and coerce and get people to do what the controller wants out of duress or other methods.  The malicious ones see the value of control  The benign ones, just see how well it gets results.  I bet that the ends justifies the means was used to justify the destruction of the agency of man in any war in heaven debate too.

Look around people.  How many churches have whole institutional, cultural and systemic structures built on the very tools that Satan himself would have used to impair, coerce, and destroy the agency of man with?

The veil of forgetfulness is probably the biggest paradox hogwash I have seen in all of religious theology.  The idea that it will make people act honestly.  It is defeated the second that religion tell them to have faith that god is all seeing and all knowing, and will judge them.  Poof.  Instant fake behavior acting under duress and coercion, out of fear, or to game the system rather than be honest….guaranteed.  Instant superficiality, in the name of piety.  Sorry, but I believe that atheist, agnostic, and the godless ignorant more, because their agency is not done under coercion, influence, duress, or with so many other control tactics applied.  And religion, it seems is a specialist in destroying the veil of forgetfulness to make sure that people will not act as they normally would, and will act under duress coercion, and fearing retribution.  What a recipe for faker behavior!  But that’s ok, just condition it and pretend that by creating the behavior first and appearance, the reason will materialize someday.  it’s not as if they lose their agency by falling into routine repetition and going on autopilot right?

So, plot twist.  What if there was a war in heaven and Satan did present a plan seeking to destroy the agency of man, and he was cast out.  Well, what if he got here and laughed and said “Hell, I don’t need their approval up there.  I’ll just get them to impair and destroy each other’s agency once they are here.  It’ll still be my plan, and even the pious religionists wont even realize it!  Where to start, how about all religions, whether true or not.  Ooh Ooh, I’ll even make one that looks prays and feels like its the right one, then I can use lots of techniques there!  I’ll call it the one true church and laugh as they use my agency destroying techniques even inside it, and think they are doing god’s will by using them!  That will be the ultimate slap in the face to god”  What if, this life actually IS showing us what Satan’s plan is, and that it requires zero magic to destroy or impair agency, and the religions are all the ones doing it, and our goal is to fight the same war, and show that we will not accept groups that compromise, impair, attempt to control or coerce agency by using any of the tactics above?

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“I wish the [ring/church] had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”


Like Frodo, sometimes we have to leave the  Fellowship, when we realize the danger of the situation we are in.  Sometimes we realize the ring, is our church.  Even though we leave good church people, in fact sometimes even some of the best people.  Even though as part of the Fellowship’s best intentions they too may have sworn their sword to the cause, and pledged their bow, and even their axe, and they mean well.  Sometimes we realize like Frodo did that they cannot protect us from themselves no matter how much we love them or respect them.  We realize how like with Boromir, the temptation and allure of the ring is so powerful it takes or will eventually take even them, all of them, without them even realizing it, for they are messing with something tempting and dangerous that they cannot wield, but think they can.  On rare occasion you might find someone like Aragorn who understands why you leave and without judgment can accept it and support your decision seeing a greater perspective than the others.

“I wish the [ring/church] had never come to me.  I wish none of this had happened.”
“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.”


It is an easy decisions to run from an obvious danger.  It is a much harder emotional struggle and decision to leave strong good people who offer the strength and support that Frodo’s fellowship did, when you realize there is a silent danger even they cannot see or stop themselves from falling victim to.  And like in Frodo’s case, it is so often a realization we reach alone, and a decision we are forced to make to walk away realizing we may have to walk through Mordor alone to do what must be done, almost utterly alone and against other’s better judgment’s.  Like Sam those who love us chase after sometimes torn and heartbroken, crying out “No!” and not understanding why we would do this.

Some of them, like Sam, love us enough to step out into the water perhaps thinking to convince us we must return, or struggle in vain hoping they can find a way to still be with us despite the deep water; sometimes someone is close enough to us that as they try to reach out into the deep waters searching to understand they find out what we did, and even begin to drown.  It may only be one out of nine, and the one we least expect.  And at that moment, we realize that yes, we will be told that we can leave the church but we cannot leave it alone, because we will not watch them drown in that struggle.  And we reach out with a hand through the water to pull them in and realize that there is a bond deeper than a formal organized fellowship.  There is a deeper humanity in us where we will not just walk away and watch others when they start to drown. And if we can reach them (which usually means they had to once again make their own decision alone to leave the shore and try to sink or swim in the water ), we do return and do everything we can to pull them up from the water.  Not from duty, or obligation.  Rather, because I think deep down we know what it is like to be that person, so we reach out.  And we know too we either have or may yet face days where we will find ourselves desperately clinging to a ledge with one hand, about to let go when another person reaches to help us.  And that is what the essence of mere humanity – not just any religion – IS.  We do not have much, but we do have each other.  And because of that though we are but humans, we can fly like eagles and reach out a hand to those stranded on the rocks of Mount Doom who think they are “at the end of the all things, as when suddenly the life and world they once saw comes crashing down.


We come to see the church in a different way.  As a ring that came to us.  Magical at first.  Not a temptation, but an attraction. Indeed with mysterious and great power.  The lull of community, familiarity, and so many other tempting attachments, feelings, and comforts that invite.  When we didn’t see it as a danger, that ring may even have been our “precious”.  And yet, now like Frodo we have seen enough of how it works on people even when they cannot see it working on themselves.  And we realize where it can lead to with someone like Gollum as “He hates yet loves the ring, as he hates and loves himself.  He will never be rid of his need for it.  Smeagol’s life is a sad story.  Yes, Smeagol he was once called, before the ring found him.  Before it drove him mad.”  Yes, mad.  We see where it will lead us.  We even realize some of those people are trapped in the church just like that where it is a dark place with full realization of the misery they cannot escape.  For others it is not that, and they are in the state we were in before we realized it, of a young happy Gollum, or Bilbo still so attached to and thrilled about the “precious”.  But now, we realize that for us, the metaphorical ring must be removed or destroyed, no matter how attractive it seems; that it has powers via mental bias, processes, sociality, conditioning, emotional techniques and more religious tactics that at first glance seem so harmless and yet are dangerous and powerful as through the ages they have been honed and refined to produce their results without even being noticed for the techniques used.


Perhaps we come to view the church as the ring, and resent it.  Perhaps the reveal becomes what we resent as well.  But we miss the days before we knew.  Before we realized what the ring was.  Before we realized the difficulty of what we must do.  And the ring has been so deeply indoctrinated for some of us before we could even speak, that it will call like the ring until the day we die.  That kind of psychological scar, sadly is a sign of many high intensity religions.  Like Bilbo, like Frodo, we want to heal. But, perhaps sometimes though like Bilbo we are sad and would “very much like… to hold it again, one last time” and even before boarding the ships to the undying lands wondered if there were “any chance of seeing that old Ring of mine again?” and sense the pity of how we “should like to have held it, one last time”, but we look at our children,  and like Bilbo do not want them to have to carry this burden.  We miss pieces that were attached to the ring, we try to build them other places, but some will not.  We see that ring for what it is and cannot be fooled by ring never ceasing, because we know what is also attached to the powers of that ring, and we do not forget what it looks like to look it in the eye.  We cannot and will not go back to that no matter how much icing is put to cover up what terrifying history, facts to be ignored, or other evidences, or resulting harms we have seen.  Truth and facts like that kind are not un-seen; no matter how it is spun we know the eye inside it now.  And like Frodo we know we can eventually heal but it may take great time to recover, and can find our way there with those who understand what it has been to us.

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McHugh and Mayer’s “Science” against transgender and LGBT people

A-Rough-Guide-to-Spotting-Bad-Science-2015Doctors Paul McHugh and Lawrence Mayer recently wrote an article in the New Atlantis Journal about transgender and LGBT issues. I guess it is time to offer some feedback again to try and keep things honest in response to those who quickly share things like their article but have probably not had the time or devoted interest to read a lot about it, or even anything more than a summary of the article, or may only so far have had time to give this one seemingly aggregate and seemingly comprehensive source consideration, rather than many others on each side. Not surprisingly to anyone familiar with McHugh and Mayer or the scientific body of research, their article and suggested conclusions were overwhelmingly anti-transgender and anti-LGBT, and overwhelmingly and I dare say 100 percent in line with Catholic and conservative religious political position. In fact, perfectly so. Not just mostly or strongly, but completely. Suspiciously so. Not surprisingly, I have watched many eager conservative, and Christian, and sadly even Mormon websites and people promoting it passionately as solid and “scientific” “expert” evidence or proof that “Almost Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong”. It gets promoted as “Breaking News” or as a “breakthrough research” or a “major new report” and recent “Scientific evidence” or as a study that once and for all absolutely “debunks” everything about LGBT people hailed by many sites as the smoking gun proof against all things LGBT. It is dramatized even on some of the LDS and other sites where I saw it cited, to appear to be “painstakingly documented”, and referrers make sure to note it had “200 peer reviewed studies” and that we know it is a long report with lots of studies beneath it.

Though no longer a believer, I have an LDS background and origin and family sociality, so I naturally care a lot about what that specific community and people who I know will have suggested to them from it. While I saw some sites (LDS included) very determined to make sure it was promoted as ironclad scientific validation that LGBT people are just sinful and wrong, I actually was a little surprised by some of the viewer comments on the ldsmag (aka Meridian) Facebook post at It gives me a little hope for an honest discussion with some LDS people and friends.

One commenter was even so bold as to point out that ‘First of all this is not an academic journal. It’s a magazine essentially. Second it’s not an “important study.” It’s an article supporting the opinions of the authors’. Another comment was careful about considering the source noted that “Unfortunately, the journal has an amazingly low impact factor (0.59). It is also funded by two conservative think tanks. Articles do not appear to undergo any peer review process” noting that “Essentially this means it’s an advocacy journal and not a scientific journal.”   Another comment noted that “The editor Adam Keiper described The New Atlantis as being written from a “particularly American and conservative way of thinking about both the blessings and the burdens of modern science and technology.” And that “The ldsmag article links to a source article published by “The Daily Signal” which is a publication of the Heritage Foundation – which is essentially a right wing think tank.   So, you may like this article. You may agree with this article. But it’s not science.” One comment even was brave enough to consider and ask whether it was “not at all possible they either missed or ignored some studies or misinterpreted the studies they did look at, right?” and to suggest that this is a “meta-study” noting that “Again, we need some time to assess how well this study holds up.” One noted that “We need to be responsible in what we publish and share. Dr. McHugh, the Johns Hopkins doctor quoted in these “studies” is actually and advocate who has spent the last 20+ years pushing for harmful measures against the LGBT community (electroshock therapy included).” Most interestingly though one of the comments was even open minded enough to state that you “can consider the evidence they cite but read more widely if you want the truth of a very complex subject. Don’t just read and cite articles that you hope are true because they support your own biases.” This is probably the first time ever, I have seen an LDS facebook site for a source like this have viewers actually suggest some caution, investigation, and responsible care in determining source, author history and bias, and even standards for what is and is not “science”.

I actually did a double take at first and had to reread some of those comments because I was surprised. I have too often not been accustomed to seeing that level of thinking, questioning, and care in reaching conclusions, when offered a very tempting article to endorse many LDS people’s default initial instincts or uncomfortable belief about trans people. It gave me hope for an honest discussion to evolve among the LDS community. Don’t worry, my hopes got dashed elsewhere on Mormon Women Stand website, where when I issued a challenge and suggested such bold measures as considering the source, motives, the journal supporters, scientific standards, and reading the actual studies, the actual research, any missing research, and comparing both sides, I found myself quickly having my comment deleted, and being blocked from commenting. So if you really need to see a purposely filtered and one-sided collection of LDS groupthink comments on the subject, sadly I can now recommend a site. Sadly again, that has been my more normal experience among the community I originated from, but today I have hope that some LDS people are caring enough to take time to really think about what they read and to ask questions that do require critical thinking, and some difficult honesty, before being willing to accept the conclusions with the dramatic claims and titles I mentioned earlier.

My goal writing today is mostly to suggest some questions and thoughts that can promote critical thinking about the article that McHugh and Mayer wrote, and can help when evaluating the heated articles that get written on this highly religiously debated and politicized subject. I have written about McHugh and his writings more than once before and have offered counterpoints and suggestions to people as cautions against just accepting everything he writes as spoon fed research and truth. So, here we go again.

What do we know about the Journal and the sites promoting the article? Is it scientific? Is it peer reviewed by other experts? Sadly, I found it is not a scientific journal. The “New Atlantis Journal” is certainly not a journal that specialized in medicine, health, psychology or gender and sexuality. Why is that important? Well, if this is ground breaking and reliably scientific, wouldn’t you expect it to be presented to a journal that will reach doctors, practitioners and other authorities and experts and people working in the field and doing research? Yes. That is part of being responsible. Valid science goes through reproducibility, peer review, and can withstand other experts, and does not try to avoid them. One would not at all expect such an important study to avoid going to a reliable respected medical journal with a readership that is highly informed, full of well-read professionals, and degreed professional researchers, and people who work daily with trans and LGBT treatment and studies. One would expect it could go directly to, survive challenges from, and be recognized to have been thorough enough in methodology, detail assumptions, and other aspects to be able to withstand what is needed to be published in such a field specific reputable journal. But indeed it seems that the New Atlantis editor has said that the Journal “we have sought to offer a particularly American and conservative way of thinking about both the blessings and the burdens of modern science and technology”. Yep. Politically Conservative. Not a surprise, as even Wikipedia knows that the journal is published “by the social conservative advocacy group the Ethics and Public Policy Center in partnership with the Center for the Study of Technology and Society. More striking is the point that “New Atlantis authors and bioethicists publishing in other journals have also similarly referred to The New Atlantis as being written from a social conservative stance which utilizes religion”. That should have set off any scientist’s (even religious ones’) red flag warnings right there. Real scientific journals, go to extreme lengths to avoid being tied or associated with any religion for publishing or funding to make sure the probability of religious bias is mitigated. They are certainly not setup and established by political or religious groups. But when you look at who is setting up and funding this journal you will find they are actually active political advocacy groups who themselves claim to be “dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy”. This is not the unbiased and reliable standard that expert and authoritative people in science resort to for publication or for funding. But that is not a surprise, since the article is not even attempted to be written how reputable scientists write reliable scientific research.

You can usually tell you are reading a real scientific study when they go to great lengths to list in extensive detail the methodology used, the assumptions made, sources used, and limitations that apply, and efforts to use as large a sample, or extensive and comprehensive a set of data as possible. Why? Because those kind of papers do not have a political goal. They have a goal of making sure that their process, method, and all else are replicable and defensible and will stand up to the detailed questions and challenges of expert colleagues who look even at those aspects to make sure the study is not fundamentally structured or systematically flawed or vulnerable. McHugh and Mayer don’t even really bother to attempt to explain their methodology in their “study”.  How are they analyzing the existing research? They do not give any explanation as to why these particular studies were chosen instead of others that they omitted. And they did omit others. Key others. Ones that disagreed with them. That matters. If you only look at studies that have the same conclusion, would you really consider that weighing all the evidence? No. You would expect it to lead only in one direction, not because it is accurate, but because it simply omits anything else that does not go where the author wants to go. That is not science. That is exclusion for convenience. This is especially important when the article and publicists go to great lengths to remind readers that they looked at 200 studies ( Wow, a big number). But it didn’t even really effectively point out what the 200 were and why those 200, or how they chose which studies to include and which ones not to. Or how they determined if a study was reliable? Or how they determined if it was current and not outdated? Or how they determined if the studies had critical assumptions or limitations to be noted. And in one case it has been noted the article does refer to something from the “An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics” as one of the 200 “scientific” studies? What could that mean? McHugh and Mayer do not explain the source selection process at all for which studies were included. Why does it matter? Cherry Picking to get the results you want. It is odd the research does not list full analysis of each article in mini-summary for a broad perspective, but instead draws piecemeal from each like an a la carte buffet when convenient.  Another trademark of non-science but political writing approaches.

These things makes it very easy to rightfully accuse these authors of starting with the conclusion and only then trying to hunt for anything possible to support it and ignore all else. Anyone who knows the scientific method knows better than to start research with a biased conclusion and then go backwards to evidence and then method and criteria (or omit them). Any expert is not exempt. There is a reason that real science starts with criteria, and standards and method explained. All reliable meta-studies do that. This one did not. And not surprisingly it reached conclusions that matched the author’s previous conclusions, biases, and the publisher’s and funding sources’. Real science would never even leave that door open. It takes great care to not just list a big number for public sway of less educated readers (the number 200 impresses no real scientist, as 200 old studies or flawed or ones with questionable assumptions or process, or funding, or other studies that conflict and give mixed results are simply not impressive).

But in politics and to non-scholars the number 200 looks very impressive and like it must be near exhaustive and have included both sides. Not even close. Sadly, McHugh and Mayer who both should know better if they’re scientists at all, let alone experts, made sure that their research method, selection method, criteria and standards were all omitted. They had the chance to prove up front they were avoiding bias. And based on past history and accusations, they had every reason to believe they would need to show they were careful to avoid such claims. They completely skipped any basic or professional level attempts or safeguards to show they were avoiding bias. When published by an advocacy journal, funded by religious political groups, it would be even more important to show method, selection approach, criteria, limitations, assumptions, sources, why other sources were ignored, and standards used. These authors are not ignorant of these approaches in real scientific articles. Nor are their peers. Nor should you be.

That brings us to another point. Peers. Peer-reviewed. Why does it matter? It challenges assumptions, flaws, unsupported statements, helps make writing stronger and more reliable by removing bias, and forcing citations and evidence for things that are just claims and not supportable as written or are challengeable. Real scientists always get their research peer reviewed, if it is to be recognized. Even more so, and more deeply if it is a breakthrough, controversial, or very new research, or has reason to be accused of past bias or flaws. McHugh and Mayer know that. And if they wanted their research to be respected, they would have known that especially with their claims, they even more than most scientists needed peer review. That does not mean they have to agree with their peers. But it does mean thy will be required to address the concerns raised by peer review and respond to them. And yet they even knowing they needed that level of review to be considered scientifically reliable, and consciously chose not to do it. Why?  They went to a political religious affiliated journal instead of a real academic one and that journal required zero peer reviews. None. That’s sloppy and unreliable, not to mention possibly arrogant and a sign of being unwilling to be challenged, or unable to stand up to it. You do realize they could also have chosen to independently publish their research? They did not have no other choice in where to publish. They could have sought peer review. Especially, or at very least from those whose studies they rely on in the 200. Instead, they went a politically influenced publishing route that itself raises more suspicion of bias. They did it quickly and without any peer review steps in between. That right there tells you a lot. They dismiss it as if saying people will disagree with me, so why bother. Why? That is exactly the point of peer review, so that people can disagree, and so when people disagree you can show you can defend your position adequately. It makes it stronger. It routes out unsupportable claims or forces them to be able to rebut critique. Skipping peer review is a major red flag in honesty and reliability for danger of bias.

Method, selection, publisher, funding source are all major safeguards against bias. But in this case, every single one of these was mishandled and reveal points that increase warning signs of bias. These authors were unforgiveably lazy and careless in avoiding accusations of bias, and knew full well they would be accused with them. I call that deliberate negligence, and poorly planned, arrogant, irresponsible unprofessional effort and approach. They had a real chance to show they attempted to mitigate bias. They knowingly seemed to have skipped every possible chance at showing they are not biased and can be trusted. They consciously forfeited the right to be trusted on such a bold claim.

Peer review is considered a basic safeguard. Not just in editing for grammar and English, but especially for content, logic, conclusions, approach, method, limitations, critique, etc. And here is something that makes me sad. The publishers sharing the McHugh Mayer article, or summarizing it and distributing it to sites know that the words “peer reviewed” are very important! Those words help people feel what they are looking at is reliable. I was disappointed how many article titles hinted at peer review quite deceptively. Noting that the 200 studies were peer reviewed. Ok. Great. The 200 did it right. But failing to point out that McHugh and Mayer’s analysis was not peer reviewed. Wow. These experts used peer reviewed studies, and are letting those who share it present it as appearing to also be peer reviewed, but did not use peer review on their own study? That is deceptive. It makes people who did no peer review look like they did because they cite others who did. Why does it matter? Interpretation. Peer review is most important for interpretation, challenging claims of how the data is interpreted, conclusions made and so forth. Failing to peer review is careless and untrustworthy. Allowing others to try and spin their work as if it is peer reviewed by deceptively pointing out that everyone except McHugh and Mayer did peer reviews?   Dirty and dubious.

But the interesting thing is scientists who are professional, and do follow these steps, and are not reckless or careless, get really pissed off at people claiming to be science experts who don’t abide by the same rules and standards. Rightly so. They already have been starting to and I expect we will see them respond via real studies and also via rebuttals in the same format that McHugh and Mayer chose as their biased publishing venue. Expect more rebuttals that reference those real studies. Don’t expect the distributors you saw citing McHugh to bother following up to show the challenges made against McHugh and Mayer’s claims. I would be they will not release both sides together. That would be asking the conservative source media to be too responsible. Respectable scientists and journals and others know full well McHugh and others deliberately tried to side step them and real studies and research. Some of the authors of the 200 will likely even speak up and point out misinterpretation issues with their own studies that McHugh cites. That has happened before in McHugh’s writings on this very subject.

Do you find it odd, that with 200 studies, none of the source authors have been willing to add their names to the article and peer review it, or sign up as fellow advocates? That should also tell you something. Yes 200 is impressive. It also gives a lot of ability to cherry pick only useful parts for desired conclusions within the set of 200, especially with no known criteria for which studies made the 200. But, The lack of ability to get any of the 200+ scientists whose data is cherry picked piecemeal, to jump in and sign their names to McHugh’s and Mayer’s research is telling. I would expect to have seen 200 endorsements for rightly using their studies. Where are these endorsements? Any of them? Where are the source’s peers doing reviews? Sorry, that’s a problem. Especially since in the past other researchers have indeed told McHugh he misquotes them, avoids context, and violates assumptions of their studies. He has been accused of it before…and how did he prepare to mitigate the accusations this time? He didn’t. They will come. They will come responsibly and well prepared. Just like they did before.


If you need a dead giveaway of the difference between a religious motivated political writing and real science that is independent reliable, peer reviewed, includes selection criteria, standards and methodologies, then there is one more thing to look at. A video. Yep. At the same time the article went out, so did a video for social media. Do you think the scientists care about the video? Not one bit. But who does? The political advocates of course. Social media of course. It is much easier to share a video with the general public than a boring quality professionally published peer reviewed respectable journal research paper. Interestingly McHugh was interviewed and claims he has no political agenda or religious. I watch actions over words. Evidence over claims.

You might want to also. Research the relationship between McHugh and advocacy groups. Research his support of the Catholic church, to the point of wild accusations just to make them look defended. Research what religion he is. Research if he has ever made very bold claims that conveniently defended the catholic church’s controversial painful press. It might surprise you what you find.

While you are at it, research McHugh’s career. The one word you will see next to his political articles more than any other is the world Johns Hopkins. Why? An appeal to not just a man but an institution for authoirty. Research his career there. Research what he did while there. Would it surprise you to learn he has never conducted his own peer reviewed experiments or research studies with real trans people and reported the results? There is a reason he cites 200 others. He has nothing of his own original research or tests or studies or experiments he can cite or refer to. What did he do at John’s Hopkins then? Well he certainly rose to be head of his department and put in charge of his area, which included trans people as a sub area. And he quickly began dismantling their entire program of anything that contradicted his opinions. Where was his widely published, peer reviewed, careful 200 plus published research that he should have issued before doing that? Where was his original research published to support that decision? It is non-existent. But he closed the trans services at Johns Hopkins anyway. That should tell you something. It also gives motive. If new research says he is wrong, what would that mean? Yep, embarrassment. Does he have reason and motive to stick to his guns whether right or not? Yep. Johns Hopkins. Let’s look closer. Is he the current head of that area today? Nope. He is actually 80-something years old and retired but busy writing as an activist, in case you didn’t know.   He does not work full time in the field at Johns Hopkins now. But he seems to be plenty busy in advocacy and representing religious clients like the Catholic church. Oh, and there are others who do work for Johns Hopkins now. And who do work with trans people in this field specifically. You really should look up what they wrote to the Maryland legislature to combat McHugh’s opinion being attempted to be used against trans people. They opposed and refuted him. Yep, the folks right there at Johns Hopkins today. The people who are not retired, and are working in the field every day, and have not been retired for as much as a decade or more like McHugh. The people who read and write studies, work with trans people every day, the people who are current in their field and practicing and researching.

I do not really understand why McHugh and Mayor get this expert label. Expert at what? McHugh lacks the originally owned research or even experience doing it himself, is retired, contradicted, discredited for his slopping work and has done sloppy careless lazy publishing repeatedly. But Mayer is actually the one cited as the primary on the article. Did you know he is not even an expert or practitioner in this field of study.  He is not known in sexuality research circles. Hardy and expert. He has great references as a statistician and credentials in other areas that are not really this area at all. He like McHugh is not a specialist, not practicing actively and currently in the area. These are not experts by their actions, merits, self-published self-conducted original research, clinical with patients or any other means. They are the “experts” at being cited by conservative media channels though. McHugh was published in the Wall Street Journal. Again notably conservative. A business newspaper – nothing close to a scientific journal. He wrote in the Op-Ed opinion section. Again telling, and not where real science goes to defend itself and present against peers. He has written on these things in First Things, a journal of “religion and public life,”. Yep, it too has the name journal. But not a journal of sexuality and gender. Not really reliable or unbiased beyond that And oddly about religion, as if we need to introduce bias. He has also put his work out to “Public Discourse”, a social-conservative outlet. No bias there. Do you see a pattern? Do you see a lack of publishing to real scientific journals that deal in sexuality and gender? Do you see a lack of his own original published research or studies’ results. Are you really willing to call him an expert? He may be widely cited by those who want to agree with him. He may be widely credentialed in a closely related field of general psychology that included trans people in general, with credentials and experience from long ago who is retired and cannot really be threatened with losing his license or job for sloppy research or advocacy?. Are you going to call him current? He has already been criticized for omitting some very comprehensive and notable studies that are current. He often ignores those. He has been regularly criticized for ignoring such things. He has experience in a close field. Is he really a specialist, who is current, can cite recent studies, is comprehensive, disciplined, and keeps the standards other real scientists are held to for their original research of which he has none? Expert is a title given by others who view a person as such. When you apply it to McHugh you are relying on the conservative media to be your determiners of who are the experts. Neither McHugh nor Mayer has conducted original research on LGBTQ people. Neither has ever written about sexual orientation or gender identity in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Other subject yes. But not this one. Odd huh? Did you know that Mayer is the expert witness being used by Governor Pat McCrory from North Carolina? Yeah, the trans bathroom cases and legislations. Yeah the highly political one. Odd that they could not get a specialist on trans people, but had instead to go with him. He, just like McHugh is neck deep in the politics advocacy game. All the more reason to suspect bias. All the more reason for him too to use all the safeguards I mentioned. I wonder if it writing a big biased article will help juries, witnesses, the general public or even judges to see him suddenly published on the subject that his experience simply does not match really at all to as a specialty. I wonder if his advocacy there actually led to the roots of this study now. I have seen suggestions that is indeed the case. There are some real problems behind his motives. And the timing. The timing of this article to nonscientific media outlets right during important trans cases where he is clearly on the anti-lgbt side of political cases. And yet, he lacks the wisdom to take safeguards to make anyone believe his research is not biased. The same safeguards commonly known to all scientists, and used by the very folks he cites. So he can cite people that use those safeguards, but cannot use those same standards, criteria, approaches, and methods in his own published interpretations and analysis of their research? Once again, seems pretty reckless, careless, deliberate and even statistically calculatingly unprofessional. When you read McHugh and Mayer, do not be ignorant of what social forces they are blatantly aligned with and their deliberate disregard to do anything to professionally address bias in their publications, or deception in claiming it to meet the standards of real scientific publication in ways engineered to mitigate bias. The McHugh Mayer article is media publication folks, not science. It flat out fails all the standards. Also, why isn’t McHugh the closer one to the field and specialty or expertise the lead researcher? Odd. Especially when Mayer himself notes that “”I have never practiced medicine (including psychiatry) in the United States or abroad.” Expert? Hardly.

What if you know that McHugh even mocks transgender people? Would you still consider him unbiased and professional? I read both sides. I have read his articles. He has called transgender people “caricatures”, “counterfeits”, “impersonators”, “confused” and “mad” (crazy). Nope, those are not exactly highly technical and very respectful and professional terms at all are they. It would not give a trans person, or even a normal person reason to think that McHugh’s advocacy goes beyond objectivity and into passion at disrespecting trans people, now would it? I find it reprehensive that a man would publish things like that and publicly express such charged politically useful terms in his advocacy articles, and then expert trans people or anyone to regard him as civil, let alone professional and respectable. His bias and passion for his bias are not small.

Who might you look at for expertise then? Funny, there are whole organizations for that. With large memberships of medical professionals and researchers who are still practicing, are well, read, do follow scientific standards, and are regarded by their own expert peers as experts as well.

It turns out there are multiple such specialized organization, with massive numbers of current active practicing researching well credentialed, well read, professionals. It turns out they belong to professional organizations just like in any medical field. It turns out many of these organization are not even remotely recent startups. They have been around for decades. Long before trans people were anything political at all. Try learning about them, and where they stand on trans issues. It just might help you get a fuller picture.

On every claim they make, McHugh and Mayer are at odds with the positions of major physicians’ associations. You know folks who also have PhD’s. Folks who have conducted their own original research. Folks who are not retired, but are practicing, who are current, who are conducting and even writing their own cutting edge research, test, and studies. People with as much or more experience, and even more current experience. And certainly more total aggregate experience. You know they only measure their professional membership in the multiple thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, so it just might be possible that there could be some others besides McHugh and Mayer who are experts. Maybe. Just Maybe, right? But I don’t want to make you rely on big numbers like McHugh and Mayer did. So tuck it away for reference and then go see what folks who are in those organizations have written and researched. Don’t just take my word or the numbers word. I highly encourage you to research them, their careers, the positions they take, and the entire medical practicing community. Just so you have, you know, a well-rounded perspective of what is known.

  1. American Medical Association
  2. American Psychological Association
  3. American Academy of Family Physicians
  4. National Association of Social Workers
  5. World Professional Association for Transgender Health
  6. National Commission on Correctional Health Care
  7. American Public Health Association
  8. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Are there expert professional groups on McHugh’s and Mayer’s side? Not so much. Especially until political activity became important. There is now a group called the American College of Pediatricians (ACP). They seem to be trying very closely to allow themselves to be confused with the “American Academy of Pediatrics” (AAP). They are very different indeed though. AAP is a very large membership measured in thousands. The ACP is a group of less than 200 extremely conservative, mostly Catholic, people (most who are not even pediatricians). They oppose gay people being parents, the HPV vaccine, marriage equality, birth control and medical care for transgender people. They are in favor of reparative therapy and abstinence-only education, though. Did I mention they are considered by most people to be a political advocacy group as well, and were only stood up relatively recently. Coincidentally the ACP is designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, along with organizations such as the KKK and Aryan Brotherhood. The ACP sent an anti-LGBT letter to 14,000 school superintendents in 2006. Notably, a number of the authors they cited publicly complained that the letter falsely represented their research findings noting their citation was “misleading and incorrect.” And even that it is “obvious that they didn’t even read my research.” The authors of the ACP statement, just like McHugh and Mayer, have never published peer-reviewed research about transgender people, let alone trans kids. So sure, there is a highly religiously motivated and correlated advocacy group that gave themselves a name that looks like it is medical but has a very different membership.

What of the organizations I mentioned you might want to at least give equal time or credence to their statements.   For example, the American Psychological Association (APA) consists of over 117,000 members.  The 200,000-member American Medical Association (AMA) is another. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) with has 64,000 members. Oh yea, and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) well it’s been around since 1979. What do organization like this do? Well they help create standards for therapists, like criteria to get hormones, or surgery. Like agreeing kids are too young to transition and looking for fully reversible ways and standards of care that can help them instead of doom them to a decision they have no influence in. Guidelines for helping be careful, like the concept of presenting in gender for a year before surgery, and needing letters or recommendation from 2 doctors.   Like advocating for them to be given a chance to delay decision on puberty and surgery until they are legally old enough to know more

As for the McHugh and Mayer article itself. It is very long. (if you think this post is long, 143+ pages will make even my post look small). It probably seems daunting to read. More daunting to question a long study claiming 200+ peer reviewed sources, but not peer reviewed itself in its analysis and conclusions. More daunting to follow the references, and look at snippets cited from the studies. More daunting to read the studies cited in it, in their full context and position assumptions, limitations and any follow on significant critiques that support or undermine them. I don’t blame anyone for feeling overwhelmed. But I do want to warn against using the feeling of being overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the study as a justification for accepting the study’s validity wholly. I have noted earlier this has screamingly loud warning signs of religious and political agenda and bias, missing safeguards against bias, and deliberate attempts to be little more than a mass media campaign. A very useful tactic is often to overwhelm people. Maybe in college or high school you did it by writing a paper that was twice as long as the professor required at a minimum, just to give appearance of being thorough. And I bet your best professors let you know that they didn’t care about quantity or number of pages. In fact, they preferred it to not be long, but to be well written, concise and complete in a smaller page content, but without losing any meaning. That is a lot harder to do. Yep, I struggle with it too. It is also far more useful and powerful.

It is ok to feel daunted at the page length, and number of studies. It is not ok to use that feeling as an excuse to just skip it and say yep it must all be true. That is inexcusable, in fact. I fear that for a political targeted audience for distribution, this could even be a deliberate tactic to help most lay people get bored enough and impressed enough to just decide by sheer volume and length, that the content and position must be true, and to not even attempt the long effort at questioning it critically. How about just be honest. Can you tell yourself, “I don’t want to read it all so it may not be safe therefore to accept it all as right on full truth”? There are some problems that can be seen just from where and how it was written, history of bias, the people, the approach taken, and the missing methods and reviews. Can you admit that? Can you be honest to say that it makes some bold claims and admit you have not read it, there may still be flaws in it besides the things that already concern you from an initial perusal, and that it appears to have political ties and other biases that need closer introspection? Or Take the time to read it. Or at least read both sides if you are only going to read summaries (you may have to be patient to get to see the other side prepare its full response and back and forth). And realize that there will be multiple experts, not just one side’s. One of the things that saddens me is the speed people jump to conclusions without asking or challenging anything or giving others who have the time, and especially others in the field itself, to do so since they were not given that chance upfront. Worse yet, I read articles that give summaries, of the executive summary from the article, even though the article itself is supposed to be a summary of 200 studies. Ugh. A headline summary of an article summary, of an executive summary, in a very large article that is summarizing a point of view based on 200 studies. Depending on if you read the headline, article, linked article exec summary, full article or more, that can be as many as 4 to 5 levels of abstraction from the source information. That itself leaves a lot of room for the telephone game where messages corrupt or embolden as passed by neighbor with less info each time. That can explain the headlines too. I fear some people will only read the headline and decide that is enough to be absolutely sure. Others will read the article and decide that. Some will read deeper, Some will look at other sides. Be aware of the vulnerability of assumptions if you are willing to declare absolute conclusions without in depth study or even study of both sides.

Yeah, I am reading the article. Yeah, there is a lot in it. Yeah, some studies I know as they are not new. Yeah, even at this point I still have major concerns about the reliability of the article, intent and approach of the authors. It is a pity they were not more careful to take steps that would not leave them in a position to have the criticisms I have given. But it was their own fault and choice to deliberately forego any of the customary, and important, precautions that would allow them to solidly demonstrate a level of protection from bias, especially given the political history and context they are in. And that is why I am writing already.

A solid scientifically soundly approached article would not have given me anything to be so deeply concerned about this early. McHugh and Mayer however have already given serious red flag warning bells even at this point of my reading. That alone, deserves special note, because it did not have to be this way. They could have also involved others besides them in the study, a more independent or joint review from both political sides. They did not. There are all kinds of things they could have done and chose not to, to give me reason to believe them. Not doing those things is embarrassingly poor science and greatly erodes my ability to trust them. There is no excuse for these kinds of people to have skipped those protections. That they skipped them, also makes me question their judgement even more, and makes me rightly suspicious of deliberate reasons for it. Skipping things like that and choosing the publishing bedfellows and funding and distribution channels they have is something a rookie scientist would do, or else a very arrogant one. These are rookie level mistakes that are easily avoidable. Worse yet, they are the exact kind of pattern of mistakes you would expect from someone that is a charlatan. And for anyone accused in the past of being a charlatan, this is the exact approach you would see them go to the ends of the earth to avoid taking, so they could regain credibility from having been discredited before. But they don’t do it. All the hallmarks of irresponsible academic tainted political promotion are all over this. They did not have to be.

Real scientists are careful. They are ultra-responsible. They don’t skip things like that or go to channels like this until they have first passed the higher scientific standard. They know people will read what they write, and it can hurt or damage families and patients, or their name and career if they are careless like these men have been. They don’t mock or belittle trans people. They also care. They know their oaths and how compassion for those they treat plays into it. One of the greatest ironies is the admission I see of how trans people are influenced by how others treat them, and that it does contribute to mortality. How does a responsible academic or researcher acknowledge that and then at the same time skip safeguards and peer reviews that make a published article like his highly susceptible to adding directly to the stigma that contributes to transgender or LGBT suicide and mortality. It is ironic they do not note they are directly contributing to it, but going to the media so fast, not speaking up to the media for caution (real scientists are almost always more careful about warning about what NOT to assume) rather than letting others with political interests run wild with their research being cited. I find the lack of diligence in method, approach, and ease of assimilating only supporting sources telling. I find the professional disregard of being responsible and recklessness in approach while admitting that stigma contributes to mortality as hypocritical and again demonstrating very poor judgement and a higher committal to a political agenda. I also found it ironic that they are willing to post that even if society were 100 percent affirming of LGBT people, both legally and culturally, LGBT people would still inherently suffer. And they do that with….zero evidence to back the claim, and zero effort to do even consider other alternatives, but ease to jump to the conclusion of it being inherent to just existing as LGBT. Meanwhile the authors contribute to the media storm that creates the stigma. Is it just me who sees the irony? I truly hope not.

I also have concerns about the section about transgender kids. People are quick to jump to the “think of the children” mindset to create panic. I have looked pretty closely at that issue over years. It is actually very germane to the transgender discussion. Why? Because there are some changes that occur during puberty that are irreversible. For example, overall bone structure and size. Hip width, hips fusing after finally reaching the end state, and leg angle. Hand size too. Skull structure. Could it be that even fully transitioned transgender people have things they still miss that give them reason to suffer. Things that are actually preventable? Trans people get called out for these things as something that can give away they are trans even when they are trying their best to pass in their gender. I have met many trans people. The ones who start hormones earlier are always far harder to detect that they are or ever were transgender and not just born in the gender they present in. And the reason is puberty and when hormones are introduced. If hormones are blocked and reversed at puberty, or if they are merely blocked and not reversed or promoted, but allowed to delay puberty in either direction, it gives a transgender person massive benefits to pass in their gender, regardless of if they ultimately prove to be male or female. This is such a significant factor, that I would dare say it is worth considering as one of those things that could be contributing and making a difference to not just stigma, but how the trans person regards their own body congruity with their own gender. Yeah some of it is how they think others perceive them. Some is how they perceive themselves compared to their gender. Pay attention to studies that follow trans people who get hormones earlier compared to ones who transition way later in life. There are massive quality of life, treatment by others, and stigma differences.

Sadly, people treat trans people FAR better if they cannot even tell they are trans. In fact, often if that kind of trans person becomes post-surgery when reaching adulthood, they are able to not even need to bother explaining they are trans, because nobody, not even native females, not even their own doctors save perhaps a specialist would even be able to tell without being told. Those are the kind of factors that need to be looked at in stigma evaluation. And there are omitted studies that back that such people do as well as if they were born in gender. They are huge reasons that trans kids treatment matters. It is a chance to make a massive difference for goodness and reducing that actual stigma that contributes to suicide or other problems. It is a huge opportunity to do things right. And it goes both ways for whatever gender ends up being. But give a puberty either way, and that is when things become irreversible. Doctors try to be careful in blocking puberty to avoid mistakes on both directions. Also there are ethics to consider. You can err by forcing a decision of male or female hormones at a young age. You can err irreversibly. And worst of all, you do so at an age when the parent makes a decision for the child that the child cannot reverse as an adult, or even decades after the parent who forced it on the has themselves died. There is an ethical obligation to allow the trans child to make their own decision. But there is an ethical obligation to allow them to do so at an age they are old enough to be informed enough and responsible for their own decision. Not surprisingly existing standards already promote an approach that realizes exactly that and does not push people into hormones or surgery early, but in fact work hard to make it viable to delay but still retain full benefit potential.

Focus is on not letting the parent pressure the child or decision. And let me elaborate. Focus in not letting the parent pressure the child in EITHER direction, male or female. Delaying puberty gives the child the chance to make the decision that they themselves will bear irreversible consequences of their entire life, instead of letting another adult ultimately have forced that decision on another person’s entire adult life.

McHugh in the past and again in this article seems to suggest that this safe approach results in identifying as transgender longer than someone who would grow out of it. Again, I have yet to see any evidence to support that claim even from his study or any other research.   Show me a control group vs another group that took both decisions in large numbers.   The study and the evidence is missing. Yet he makes claims like that.

I get frustrated how quick people with political agendas are at saying people pressure kids into being transgender. Try meeting some of those parents and kids, if you want to learn the reality. They love and care very much about their kids. These are difficult things. They worry as much as all good parents do. They search for answers. I find it amusing how many armchair quarterbacks there are with zero skin in the game, that criticize parents and kids, and trans people whose whole life is on the line. As if their academic or religiously motivated curiosity or political opinion drives them to the level of concern, worry, research, questioning, and inner and moral exploration, and caution that someone going through it goes through. Research via curiosity is supposed to trump research of someone living it, making the hard decisions. All I get from that is a sadness that other people want to tell people they are smarter than them and would do a better job even if they don’t have near the information, though it is not near as real to them, and they have zero skin in the game, and no consequence that is personal and life and death even to them and their kids, if they are wrong.

As an aside I would present the comparable ethical dilemmas of parents that indoctrinate their kids in their own religion. When it’s your own kids, of course you want them in your religion, (or non-religion if atheist or agnostic). When someone else’s kids, you respect their (parent and kids) right to choose, even though most still believe their own choice is better and lament how difficult it is to convert people from other religions, because the influence of their parents’ religion is typically observed to have around a 60-70% influence on the child’s religion as an adult, for all religions. Regardless of truth. I have seen some people propose that all kids should be allowed to wait until 18 to have a fair chance of not just being indoctrinated in the parent’s religion. It may sound great and honest and responsible and even hopeful about the kids of people in other religions than yours. But most people will simply not agree or allow conceding even an inch about suggesting their kid not be allowed to be indoctrinated in the active parent’s own religion or non-religion until 18. And those parents go ballistic if someone suggests their kid be forced to convert to a religion that is neither of the parents and that the kid does not want. They would call that oppression.

Now compare this to medical treatment of transgender kids, and how their parents are. Somehow because gender is not a sincerely held religious belief (except for religious people firing trans people), people suddenly think they have all kinds of rights to jump in because it is only another person’s sincere belief, not a religious one. Never mind trans people will tell you it has nothing to do with belief. It simply IS what they ARE. But let’s look at what the parent does. Most parents have never been transgender. This is new for them to. Most parents do suffer the bias of society saying gender is just the physical aspect between legs. Though chromosomes, brain, behavior, persistence from young age that does not go away after years and years and shows it is not a phase, and all kinds of other things can say otherwise. But for some reason a parent of a trans kid is actually willing to seriously be open minded, observe their child, work with doctors, get multiple opinions, read about it. And the professional organizations and doctors then recommend to parent and child to delay puberty and wait. This is just like waiting until 18 so the child can be more sure with an adult knowledge and that the person making the decision is the same one who will endure the outcome and greatest impacts of the decision. Unlike religion which even without the parent trying is likely to influence the kids religion, a trans kid actually has a real possibility to delay the gender decision to make it themselves. And to make it themselves instead of have irreversible consequences forced on them by a parent. They can then pursue either direction when they come of legal age. I find it odd that opponents to this very responsible approach want to force the child’s parent to force a decision on the child. They want to force the decision of birth gender. And coincidentally that matches with most religious groups that oppose trans treatments. They NEVER side with going to the opposite gender. But are ready to force an IRREVERSIBLE decision, that they will then use to show the trans kid will “never be able to look female” because after puberty the male secondary characteristic can be minimized but are so hard to fully remove.

Oddly, Mormons now force children of gays ( and some other cases) to wait until 18 to make a decision about religion. It is a rare oddity of forcing kids to wait to join a church. Those of you who know me will know I opposed that decision. But what you may not know is that I opposed it because of the legal motives and reactionary gay marriage kneejerk reaction that required a legal procedure chance for the church to avoid suit, or being forced to concede standing to sue the church (child or parent) for not sealing or marrying gays. I opposed it because of the dishonesty involved in claiming love, but sacrificing of kids when it was not even necessary. Kids in gay families whose parents were OK with their kid being LDS were impacted. It did nothing but force families where everyone WANTED kids in the church, to be disallowed by the church. What you may also not know is that if I had my ideal choice, I would have actually supported every child (not just those of gay or lesbian parents) to have to wait until 18 to join. My issue had less to do with the outcome of joining as an adult at 18. My issue had more to do with disparate treatment of innocent children with church supportive gay parents, compared to those with church supportive straight parents.  Yeah discrimination is being treated differently. Because the kids want the same thing, and the parents do too. It is social and exclusionary. But if all LDS kids had been told to wait until 18, I actually would have had zero issue. In fact, I would have felt it was not only nondiscriminatory, but ideal, as socially it would no harm kids either, or promote ostracism, since all would go through it together.

And now, trans kids actually have the choice to delay the decision to 18. And people who are neither the parent, or child, want to force the kid to decide at puberty, without being an adult, and bear the responsibility forever just to match what people with no skin in the game view as their religious superior opinion? And to coincidentally force the religious desired outcome of the predominant American religion. You know what? It is a hard decision for trans parents and kids. I will make a suggestion. If you are not trans or the parent of someone who is, please do not pretend to understand or be qualified to armchair quarterback them unless you are equally prepared to also let someone else force your children to be indoctrinated a religion that is not yours or worse that teaches that yours is outright false. Give the doctors and parents some credit for trying not to force the irreversible consequences of a premature decision in EITHER direction or either bias. Give them some credit for trying very hard to be careful, and to respect the child’s life living with the outcome of that decision. I give the comparison or kids’ religion to trans kids to suggest a ‘treat others as you would want to be treated’ kind of comparison that someone religious might more easily be able to compare to.

Please realize that although McHugh and Mayer try to paint therapists as forcing kids to change gender early, and it being black or white, I have found that rather therapists have already learned to be more careful and do very well understand that playing with dolls at age 3 might mean a kid is trans, and also might not. They try to be very careful as a result, because it does not always mean one, nor always the other. Delaying the decision can help with this exact thing. But lets get real. Hormone blockers would be around puberty. That is years to observe before then. Some things cannot be avoided. Surgery can. Hormones can. School cannot always, and parents and kids to their best to figure out how to present, and to figure it out. Another thing I find frustrating is how easily the authors and others can assume it is to diagnose a child as transgender. The DSM has far stronger criteria for diagnosis than most people think. And more serious treatments like hormones or surgery are called for with increasing age as makes sense. I find it ironic how easily people assume that since some of the kids do go through a phase, that MUST mean that ALL of them will and that being transgender is a myth. That again is black and white thinking. Is it more possibly that it simply means that the ones who do grow out of it were never transgender to begin with? They did not grow out of it at all, but were merely misdiagnosed? I have seen previous studies where the major flaw has been found to be exactly the practice of poor criteria in allowing anything to be called transgender, and then instead of realizing it was misdiagnosed, to keep the diagnosis and claim that the kid grew out of it. The DSM and organizations I noted are very careful in proposing and updating standards for kids’ diagnosis. They are careful to delay hormones and puberty and especially surgery. By the way did you know that among those kids who actually are trans, some still never choose to take surgery or hormones, but will still present as female? Just want to remind folks how NOT black and white this is. Mayer made the same mistake of not being willing to consider that not all gender nonconforming kids are transgender, and that the steps being taken for better diagnosis are the solution rather than pretending that no transgender people exist since people who were misdiagnosed and are not trans, not surprisingly are not trans. Nothing impressive there. Sorry. I see Mayer and McHugh using a lot of fear and black and white thinking about trans kids. I see a lot of false assumptions about both parents and doctors wanting kids to be trans and pressuring kids. Rather than deciding that means trans people should not be allowed to exist, how about instead working to make better diagnoses techniques and standards to use based on those.

I also would like to see their evidence of corrective therapy success. Where is that? Recognized institutions realized to stop doing it because it didn’t work and was not ethical, and did little more than impose religious beliefs on people using punitive means to try and force behavioral control. It failed repeatedly. To my LDS friends, research some time about BYU and electroshock therapy of gays, and the witch hunts of gay. It happened. It led to suicides. BYU does not do it anymore. There is good reason. It didn’t work. It was not ethical. It hurt people. There has been no apology.

I also get frustrated at jumping to conclusions on twin studies. Especially comparing fraternal twins to identical twins. How easy to jump to the conclusion that since 100% of identical twins are not always transgender that it cannot be biological. Of more interest is that there is a massive difference between how many identical twins are transgender, compared to fraternal twins. Nope it is not 100%. That hardly rules out being biological. Having the same percent as fraternal twins or normal sibling would be evidence. And yet that too is missing. There seems to be more evidence suggesting it is complex to understand and that biological factors may indeed be involved, but not well understood. For example, a biological trait that is subject to an activation as well. Or noting that not even twins are perfectly identical. Also noting things happen in gestation that come from the parent’s body and can impact each twin in different proportion. Glaringly missing is any discussion or even pondering of epigenetics which we seem to be learning a lot more about and how genetics is not as simple as we assume. Others have already pointed out that the study is missing the major study by Bailey, dismissively not even exploring the neural research discussions and studies, falling victim to not acknowledging the problems in the Tomeo study, and as I mentioned before missing explanations of why some studies were not picked, and why even among those that were, only sections are used, compared to the overall study assertions, assumptions, warnings, and conclusions. It is missing sources like Olson and Marinkovic and the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (yet discusses and discount discrimination as explaining mortality and life satisfaction, without evidence).

It also omits key research that family acceptance even more than just societal acceptance massively reduces suicidal ideation and follow through and reduces stigma. I would think churches who focus on families could figure that out. Family is important. Supportive loving family matters. I get sad when I see proclamations about families (which by the way have not been voted on as scripture or doctrinal according to the law of common consent in the scriptures). People might do well to recall that the origins of that proclamation did not suddenly come as an omen for future events and emphasize traditional family values. It came because the LDS church was denied standing in Hawaii for a key court case against gays. The origins came because they church was not granted standing until it could prove it has a clear statement of religious beliefs that would be impacted. So came the early prototype versions of the proclamation. So, oddly it was actually originated to be used as a “proclamation to be used to destroy LGBT families” as its purpose, long before it was intended to be used as a proclamation to protect traditional families. But that does not sound good, so spin it as pro traditional family. I long for the day when in the spirit of “Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too” the church can move from attacking LGBT families and stop forcing a fight to pit LGBT families against cisnormative straight families. I see grandparents raising children when children are not able. Single Moms. Moms and aunts together. All kinds of families. You know what kids need? Love. Support. Not being stigmatized. Has anyone every considered that a proclamation that stigmatizes someone else’s family is actually creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by creating the very stigma to make other families seem socially more difficult and stigmatic? You know what? LGBT people do not want to tear down your family. They love their families too. They are not worried about their kid playing with your kid any more than you are. They would appreciate if you could do unto others as you would have them do unto you. How about loving supporting and working to help ALL families. That is not excluding traditional ones. That is not attacking LGBT ones. It is called the golden rule. It is called loving and caring. When families love, amazing things happen. This includes when families love LGBT people and when they have their family on their side. People flourish that way. So do LGBT people.

I wish I could say the McHugh Mayer study has lots of new and interesting research. The evidence they collected about the nature of sexual orientation and gender really isn’t all that new or interesting. They’ve thrown out what they don’t want, and assembled what is left in a way for those wishing to undermine the validity of LGB identities. You kind of have to throw out other studies and ignore parts of the ones you keep in order to do that. So, no surprise they reached the conclusion that they carefully rigged their study to make sure to be led to.

Sadly I even saw the Daily Signal still citing again McHugh’s flawed idea that comparing trans people in experiments without a control group allows reliable conclusions. They pointed out Mc Hugh’s classic tactic that compares trans people to the general population for suicide and mortality and wellness. They cling to claiming that adults who have undergone sex reassignment surgery continue to have a higher risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes, and mortality. Hmm compared to who? Ah, the general population. The general population of trans people? Nope. The general population of people that have nothing to do with the study or treatment. Non-trans people. Comparing trans people who undergo treatment to non-trans people is apples to oranges. The valid comparison is to compare trans rates for those who undergo surgery, to others who are also trans and who want to but don’t. Instead of doing that right comparison of control and experiment groups, we see them again say well, let’s compare them to some totally other group that had nothing to do with the experiment or question. Folks, that is irresponsible science. It is rookie level mistakes again.

For example if Mormons wanted to compare how temple marriage impacts family happiness you would not suddenly say, let’s compare against Jehovah’s witnesses who never go through the temple. You would compare Mormon couples that intend to but have not yet gone through to Mormon couples that do. Apples and Apples. If you wanted to measure effectiveness of breathing exercises for lung capacity you would have one group do the exercises and one not. Why not just before and after? Because you want to prove no other factors were involved. But above all you would not suddenly say, well they are not as good as Sherpas are. Sherpas are not a valid control group because they are nothing like the general population being studied and treated for the desired aspect. So yeah of course the non-trans (cis) people have lower suicide rate (again the real factor as shown in studies they omitted is attributed to discrimination and family support, and is widely recognized and has been tested), and even McHugh and Mayer end up unable to dismiss that but merely argue about how much it influences, with discussion to suggest it is or is not the whole thing, and without considering other possible factors other than innately being transgender. But the right comparison is whether trans people after surgery do better than trans people who did not undergo surgery but wanted to. Why wanted to? Because those control and experiment groups start with the same mental state. And since McHugh lacks that data, he instead compares to cis people, which were not even involved in the experiment at all! Hello? Major red flag. Bad Science. Irresponsible and reckless.

Well, so far, I find the McHugh Mayer study is not new or groundbreaking. It is full of interpretation, short on peer review, short on evidence to support its conclusions, completely unprotected from the influence of bias, biased in its source selection, not strong enough to withstand peer review, and questionable in its choice to deliberately avoid it yet still go to the media, something I view as very irresponsible and unprofessional and rookie, not near the level of an expert, which the authors’ backgrounds do not support either. I find the study lacks new data, or new original research, but is full of interpretation packaged to its audience with bold claims it cannot support in a real academic environment. I find in addition to missing new studies, it is even missing classical old ones, and falling victim to classic errors found in those ones. The political and religious associations do not inspire untainted interpretation, and interpretation is ALL that this supposed new study offers. I find its lack of selection explanation, method description, or justification for what it includes or excludes and even what it calls in in what it includes to be reckless and vulnerable to rigging the collection of studies to make sure it could only produce the desired result, merely by excluding anything that would oppose the conclusion the authors want. That is no expert approach, it is rookie, and leaves wide open the door of poor quality research, bias, and even charlatanism, especially for authors accused of it before who would know way better the standards that would be required of them for real academic consideration after so many others have discredited their past publication in non-peer reviewed non-academic press sources that are not scientific journals.

Ask yourself. Does the study, approach, and everything else I have cited as warning flags inspire you to be iron clad certain that these scientists have chosen the highest standards possible to make sure their academic honesty could not be challenged? For a report that is supposed to once and for all prove things, that should have been the standard. It should send major warning bells off in your head that they did not. So should all the other political, religious, and other coincidences and associations. They could have done this right. They chose not to. Why?

While these studies lack standing up to a scientific community, they have been spoon fed to the masses and conservative media even with a nifty sharable easy video for people who get bored reading long science articles for real details. Not a surprise considering the journal bias, and its funding source agenda. The authors knew the conservative media would take this spoon fed and swallow it whole without scrutiny. They are no strangers to the political arena. I find their social choice to publish in such a sloppy low standard, and avoiding legitimate scientific or even independent publishing opportunities to be socially irresponsible and unprofessional, and very indicative of an agenda rather than a dedication to following research wherever it leads, and in its entirety. It begs for a rebuttal that will appear to overcorrect out of necessity (since McHugh and Mayer omitted the whole other side), rather than be able to provide both sides for examination jointly, which is a responsibility that any scientist like McHugh and Mayer had an obligation to deliver if they are honest academically, and which they have failed on. The result will be polarized responses instead of real discussion. It is almost as if they realize there are court cases going on, and political rallies to be done. And I fear that is what McHugh and Mayer and their backers and funders want. Conflict that can look one sided and be rallied around, rather than honest discussion and resolution that includes all sides objectively and goes to great pain to avoid bias through well known scientific approaches to peer reviewing, publishing, showing methods, and criteria, and inclusion of both sides of the research. The paper lacks the hallmarks of academic integrity and honesty, and shows all the signs of tainted political agenda. I watch actions, even though McHugh denies he is religiously or politically motivated. Follow the sources, the money, and his past. Actions will tell you more than his words.

I believe their study has not set the scientific community back at all, nor has it advanced anything of merit to them. But it certainly appears to be effective in reaching the less education population who really wanted these kind of conclusions and got it through political distribution channels. Almost as if history repeats itself, this anti-trans and anti LGBT political coalition will promote these men as heroes, for sloppy low quality, non peer reviewed, biased selection methods, lack of criteria, and multiple other problems that ensure their desired conclusion before even starting their research. People will cite this study for the next several years, just like they did with the Regnerus study, even after every single professor who worked in the same department at the University where he worked signed a letter denouncing him and his work. If McHugh and Mayer had a goal to socially impact and harm and make stigma even harder for trans people by manipulating how those who rely on them as authorities perceive trans people, I suspect they scored a homerun with their article.

If they expect the courts, trans people, or scientists that do not have conservative agendas to be fooled, they are in for a rude awakening. If their goal was to give anti-LGBT people a paper so long that they will have a hard time reading it, but feel inclined to accept it by default, they met their goal. It will certainly make it harder for people who don’t want to learn about trans people from real science and both sides, to instead have reason to devote massive amounts of time to reading only the McHugh and Mayer source. I have no issue with anyone reading their source and especially the studies they cite. But be aware of the problems in their analysis due to their approach. Don’t limit yourself to their article. And think. And give equal time to rebuttal sources and especially the sources McHugh and Mayer hid behind the curtain.

Most important of all, seek out the studies yourself. Don’t rely on McHugh. Don’t rely on Mayer. Don’t rely on me. Find it yourself. You don’t have to drink downstream of anyone. It’s not that hard. At least read the rebuttals as they surface, and be weary in accepting research fed by political sources as being “scientific”. My goal is to convince you to not accept these articles at face value. Read for yourself without filters by people like them, or by anyone. There is no substitute for going and reading the studies, not the summaries or summaries of the summaries. Go and do it. I don’t want you to trust me. I want you to go learn it for yourself. Unlike McHugh, I don’t need you to accept me as an authority or self-proclaimed or politically proclaimed expert. Just go and read directly at the sources for yourself. Yep they are boring, and look all “Sciency”. Because they take great care and precaution to avoid bias and to withstand academic challenge. Please don’t settle for trusting me. Please go fund out for yourself, without people who will filter it for you. THAT is what I want and hope for.

I find it ironic that Mayer and McHugh say that “Everyone—scientists and physicians, parents and teachers, lawmakers and activists—deserves access to accurate information about sexual orientation and gender identity.” I actually agree with them on that. How sad that they could not be responsible enough in their research to avoid an approach that lacked selection criteria that could do anything but give a one sided interpretation of studies with key omissions of studies they didn’t want people to see. They did not give access, the restricted it. How sad, that it reaches those audiences through multiple levels of summary to the point that assumptions, flaws, and biases are massively overlaid may get information to all kinds of people. It does not get all of it to them, it does not ensure lack of bias, or accuracy. And for the record there is NO lack of access to the information. People have access if they want it. But what I see is that because few take the time to use the access they already have, McHugh and Mayer decided to push only what they want sent to the masses with an interpretation subject to a lot of biases, and forfeiting academic methods that ensure higher honestly and reliability.

“In the end, Mayer and McHugh observe that much about sexuality and gender remains unknown. They call for honest, rigorous, and dispassionate research to help better inform public discourse and, more importantly, sound medical practice.” Actually, a lot IS known. There is even more though that is not understood, and not known. I find it sad that they called for “honest, rigorous, and dispassionate research” when they refused to do so themselves when given the opportunity and available channels and instead went straight to the public to ensure their bias could be presented whole and with a nifty shareable video. I still have more to read from their study, but even what I found so far, does not show the level of academic honesty, and cannot and deliberately avoided every single chance to stand up to rigorous academic and scientific peer review. It is hardly dispassionate. Worse yet, to negate it because of those flaws and carefully designed content, will force passionate rebuttal, but strives to take advantage of reaching less educated audiences first, before going through the social responsible paces that everyone else who does academically honest, reliable, rigorous, and dispassionate research does use. McHugh and Mayer broke the rules and skipped the very honest, rigorous, and dispassionate research they call for, and they know it, but then have the gall to call on that standard from others?

More troubling than the article itself is the apparent lack of academic honesty, refusal of safeguard that protect integrity, unwillingness to explore all sides, courage to face peer review before attempting to influence the masses, and all done with the gall to allow themselves to be cited as experts, knowing that their audience would easily accept their authority and an appeal to authority, whereas real scientists and their peers who accept real evidence and solid quality academic methods that are defensible, were not even approached. Authority as an expert does not impress scientists.   Results do. Evidence does, not using biased approaches does, peer review does. Replicability does. Apples to apples does.

I find it sad that for years people will consider these men as heroes for a political agenda, when they were reckless, irresponsible, lazy, sloppy, and careless in their research approach, showing signs of rookies, and clear signs of bias and doing nothing to mitigate it, while instead running to “teach” the public.

To my friends. Please take warning. Less than honest approaches like this and this style of so called “research” under the conditions I have shown is dangerous. Pursuing the subject and reading the sources is not. Be wary of their interpretation and methods, and what they do not say. Go and do your own unfiltered research. I can give you no better way.

Also to my friends. A warning. Be sensitive. This may feel like a cause, or a religious cause even. It may seem like a great forum for academic debate. Never forget these are about real people’s lives. Real people, of all ages don’t just discuss it as an interesting topic or a who has the better religious rule. They live it, suffer it, and cannot leave it even if they tried. It IS ever present for their life. Never forget that. Never forget that they see what you post. I’m sure you may even think you know who they are. Even if you know someone who is trans (or LGBT), odds are you also know someone else too who you do not know is transgender. Every LDS ward statistically should have at least 1 maybe 2. I doubt you can see them or know who they are. They hide. Often they have to. A select few pass and you don’t even notice they are trans.

You may think there is nobody in your family like that. You may think you would know. You may think it could Not ever be your immediate family or spouse or kids; not your extended family or sibling; not your friends. You are sure you know your family that well. If they were trans, odds are very good you would think exactly that. You may have some people who you suspect and/or are pretty sure are trans. And those people may be trans, or not. But what about the ones you don’t suspect and cannot even tell? They are there too. I am going to warn you that you cannot be as sure of who is or is not trans as you think. Parents, spouses, siblings, kids often end up shocked when they finally find out. It is easy to picture a flamboyant trans person, who is a wild drag queen. Most trans people are nothing of the sort. They look like you and me before they are out. They try to look as best they can like you and me after they are out in their gender. They fear to present in gender in front of you before they are out. They hide because they have to. When they do present they are not wild or crazy, any more than most people. They are not the stereotype of how the conservative media likes to paint trans people, just like Mormons do not have horns and wear 18th century dresses all day. Odds are though that those trans people who are in your family, among your kids, friends, associates, do observe you. They see what you post on Facebook about trans people, or say. They don’t make it obvious they see it. But they do see it. They have been watching probably for a long time to see if their community family or friend group is safe. They internalize it. They know it is about them. It is not academic to them. It is their life, it is their fear to tell you. I don’t care how open you think you are with your kids, siblings, friends etc. It is not about how YOU actually are. It is all about how the trans person perceives that you and/or your community and family and friends will react. And it is very easy for community and society to create a disconnect and unfriendly unwelcoming environment that a trans person is very scared of and makes fear hard to overcome. Sadly, it is also easy for community and society to create environments where the fear is merited. Some people may want that. For trans people to be afraid to come out. I find that so cruel. People really want someone to spend their whole life afraid. Their whole life in fear. Their whole life alone. Their whole life feeling dishonest. It eats a person up inside. And they want them to never come out why? So cis people don’t feel uncomfortable? Or because religion says it is not ideal to be like that? What an unloving wish to want someone to live such a fearful negative lonely dishonest life just to keep a sense of conformity and comfort for others. It will eat that person’s soul, it will eat at them until they either die or break down.

My point. Your family or friends who are trans. They see you and what you say and post. You kids or sibling who are trans. They see it. Your friends; they see it. The internalize it. No matter how sure you are it could never be your family, you have been warned. It commonly happens to families that say it could never be their family or someone they know. In fact, that profile is on of the textbook typical cases.

What can you do? Assume family members who you love are trans and you don’t know who they are. Address the subject as if they were. If you must share things like McHugh, admit that you want to learn more, and have not read it all or studied it in depth, be honest and say that when you share it. And when the other side comes out, share it too, and give the same disclaimer. At very least you can show that you are investigating both sides. If you cannot do that or honestly say that, well, I cannot help you, and I feel sad for you and that hidden loved one when you and your trans family member or friend realize how that impacted them. They will see and know very well you have not been open to looking at both sides. Will they trust you as objective, or will they see you as their first oppressor before you even know who they are and what they go through? Will they be afraid to tell you and talk with you? Probably.

I long for a society that can at least get past appearances or making and emphasizing showing your Sunday best clothes and face. I long for a safe society, and safe religious environments where people especially young kids do not feel they have to hide or fear being honest about something like this, for fear of stigma and zero understanding from parents, family, community, church and others. I fear for those things because it creates a very dangerous social environment. Being alone. Being afraid. Being misunderstood. Feeling judged. Feeling shamed and shunned if someone knew the real you. Is it any wonder so many trans people have a hard time with suicide and depression? Oddly, isnt it interesting how antidepressants still don’t solve them being trans and dealing with the dysphoria? You know what helps them? People. Love. Acceptance. Inclusion. Feeling valued and respected. That kind of things does not come in a pill.

So, getting to conclusion now, When catholic researchers publish a study that uses Catholic supportive sources, omit sources that do not support catholic views, publish it in a catholic journal, funded by Catholics, and end up with catholic views… I am supposed to be impressed at the claims and results? No. There was no way it was going to be allowed to have any other result. Under such circumstances do I have every reason to question bias? Yes. This is exactly what bias looks like. And the sad thing, is I have learned that McHugh and Mayer were even interviewed and said the fully expected to be accused of being anti-LGBT. This is not just me claiming they should have known they would be accused of bias. They themselves were interviewed and admitted they knew they would be. And what did they do to make their report able to stand up to those accusation they knew would come? Nothing. Not even the most basic 101 level risk mitigations to protect against bias and show it was addressed. When you know you will be challenged, and go ahead and do things sloppily and in ways that in no way address the very problems you know you will be accused of, that is called being negligent and irresponsible, and unprepared. They knew and did nothing, and still expect to be respected and treated like legitimate science and analysis? It is as if they expect people to not even care that they did not use any mitigations to overcome bias. What kind of audience would not care? Well, not a scientific one. Not an open and honest one. But a biased audience would not care. Perhaps an ignorant audience too. It is pretty clear they did not attempt it because they never intended the article to target distribution to legitimate scientists, just to folks already biased or folks capable of forgetting to check for bias.

What I see is academic dishonesty. If you were putting a puzzle together and found out your partner was taking and hiding pieces on purpose because they don’t like that part of the picture you might find it amusing the first time, and laugh at their bias or humor. When they do it a second time, you might start getting frustrated. When they keep doing it and will not stop, at some point you have to take the pieces yourself and tell them to get out of the way because you are not interested in completing only the parts of the puzzle that the other person likes. Omitting studies for convenience is just like that in a review that goes over 200 studies, deliberately tries to appear comprehensive and makes such bold conclusions? It is very dishonest. It is academically dishonest. Especially when they concluded as well at the end that more studies and research are needed. Guess what? We have them. There are indeed more studies and research needed. And a great number of them are the ones that these two men deliberately and dishonestly excluded.

I have attached a picture that shows other aspects of bad science. Many I have seen these men do. I have pointed out the obvious steps the skipped that honest scientists follow. I have shown the telltale signs of charlatans. Are you going to trust these men? I cannot. More importantly now. Are you going to trust only these men. If your answer is yes, then are you academically open and honest? If your answer is no, then I encourage you to listen to all sides. I actually have very little argument with the studies they cite. I have more issue with these men’s unchecked biased interpretations and cherry picking even within the studies. For example in Djhene, ignoring the difference in social influence on the two age groups and how it demonstrated social treatment mattered. Mayer and McHugh claimed the opposite but seemingly forgot that this study contradicted them. They only showed the part of this study with the older groups from long ago. Read the studies these men drew from. They are good studies and were done using academically honest methods.   But especially read the ones they omitted. To see WHY they omitted them. Then decide for yourself if McHugh and Mayer are honest and unbiased scientists. Truth does not have to be hidden or omitted. And no respectable scientist would try to do so. In fact, if they were being honest they had a duty to include those studies and respond to them as well. If someone feels they can trust men who are not that honest as their only source worthy of consideration…I cannot stop anyone from doing so. It will make me sad, and one will suffer the inevitable consequences of bias though.

I often hear those who rapidly share McHugh’s work, that they just want to show a different scientific point of view. I think that is good, as it can promote thinking. I think it also calls for carefulness though. A point of view can mean a range of things. A point of view can include a comprehensive view that takes in all 360 degrees. Or it can be a narrow one that is incomplete and only looks at 90 degrees and pretends the other 270 degrees don’t exist. A point of view can be fully accurate, scientific and defensible. A point of view can also be only partially accurate scientific and defensible, or only such for certain parts. A point of view can also be completely biased, nonscientific, and indefensible under full scrutiny. The whole truth is a point of view, just as a lie or well painted deception is also a point of view. Imagination is a point of view. But it is not hard to tell if something is really a scientifically defensible point of view that has taken steps to avoid bias at all cost. There are very easy ways to tell if a point of view is something that deliberately ignores key facts to other conflicting studies and hides them behind the curtain. If those points of view are the only ones that a person lends credence to or investigates, they may very well be a different point of view, but they also become a very dangerous and incomplete one.

I would also ask people who dismiss it as just another point of view some additional questions. Is it nothing more than just a different point of view to the authors? Or are they political activists? If so, then the dangerous incomplete and deceptive point of view is no longer harmless. McHugh and Mayer are not promoting this as a fun academic exercise. They are promoting this to influence public opinion, and drawing from and trying to support public opinion on legal cases and political actions they are directly involved in. That is not just a different point of view. That is trying to enforce a different point of view, that is incomplete, biased, and deceptive, by forcing others to become subject to it as the only point of view, or as the authoritatively accepted and enforced point of view. For a view to serve such far reaching life impacting role, it cannot be incomplete, it cannot just cite what is convenient or biased, it cannot omit key studies that oppose it or refuse to even speak to them. It needs to get more honest, more complete, and stop jumping to conclusions so fast that can only be supported by ignoring other data and using biased approaches. To the men who wrote it, to the journal that published it, to the sources that funded it, and to the distributors who spread it, this is not just being put forward as a academic exercise in philosophy for a point of view. It is being put forward by people directly involved in the political process. This is not just about having some other point of view. This is about people who are trying to use incomplete, not fully honest science to promote a political agenda and enforce their point of view on others. Be careful about promoting a potentially harmful incomplete and biased point of view that has those goals in mind, and rushes to spread itself like a virus without even submitting itself to full rigorous, peer reviewed, scrutiny that includes the omitted facts and studies. At that point, it is no longer just a harmless point of view in those circumstances.

That the report is allowed to be published is a tribute to academic freedom and freedom of speech. However, that the report deliberately sidesteps academic honesty in its selection of studies to base its conclusion on and avoids bias reducing approaches, is a slap in the face of academic honesty and progress. I find it interesting that Mayer dedicated the report to the LGBT community, and also noted he and McHugh anticipate that this report may elicit spirited responses, and we welcome them And yet they did not take it to the LGBT community or the scientists with responses, but instead went straight to and promoted it first to the anti-GBT community. I shake my head when they say that “does not, however, discuss matters of morality or policy” but then actually makes recommendations and conclusions that do exactly that and accuses morality and ethics for trans people and worse yet kids, when the issues are battles from long ago, already solved and agreed by those actually working in the field; they literally built a straw man argument and knocked it down, without realizing it had already been sovled. Are these “experts” even current?

They state that “We readily acknowledge that this report is neither an exhaustive analysis of the subjects it addresses nor the last word on them.” But then they let it get out as if it is, take arguments like this to court as if it is, and do not speak to stop the mob anti-lgbt mayhem they delivered this to? Striking is that they note again that “We have attempted to synthesize and describe a complex body

of scientific research”. Yep “a complex body”, not “the complex body” They know full well they left the evidence against them out of the report. It claims to be careful and vast, yet is biasedly incomplete.

Other observations. They struggle to understand the concept of bisexuality. They struggle to understand gender and sexual orientation as a spectrum and seem to be obsessed and limited in their analysis by forcing insistence on binary models or strictly divided ability to categorize. It assumes all LGBT people are abused, but does not address at all those who are not, even though admitting they exist, and even though other studies do not concur most are abused. They omitted twin studies for trans people. Oddly McHugh and Mayer makes cases that at least partially DO support genetics and even give evidence towards it and/or gestational chemistry as sources of LGBT gender and orientation. But because they see it as only partial, and cannot find anything at all with evidence to support the rest, they immediately assume it is not genetic? They posit social pressure as a theory as well, yet refuse to even address how many trans people remain in denial for years, and how that impacts their measurements? They call for longitudinal studies everywhere else but hear to get more data, which are good, but are also a delay tactic. They miss the flaws in biased diagnosis criteria. The low point for me was the discussion of “jokesters” noting that they feared their data was not even reliable because participants were messing with them. They discuss and present fluidity as a problem, but at the same time make claims of fixed gender and fixed orientation. They say people grow out of it (fluidity) but cannot show any controlled method to produce the outcome. They completely fail to address the possibility of misdiagnosis rather than growing out of something. And most of all, I sat there where they talked at length about all kinds of real social problems that transgender people have, but then turned around and dismissed social impact theories? As if to paint trans people as sick and ill, and completely dismiss any involved of social forces. It’s like a smear campaign to make trans people look sick, while staying in denial about social forces. Then they look at a surgery and suddenly expect social forces to have disappeared or be the non-dominant factor? I find lots of things they cite like elevation suicide rate compared to non-trans people as statements that are just obvious. They don’t outright say it, but they try to leave one to connect that dots that it must mean trans people being trans is the cause, instead of that scientists just don’t understand. They admit the suicides timing is note even always after the treatment but before, multiple problems with control groups, convenience samples. Over and over again, even though they excluded other pro LGBT studies, the best conclusions these two men give are not enough is known. And then from that they jump to therefore it doesn’t exist, and don’t treat trans people and assume that LGB people can be cured. The jump from saying inconclusive to then recommending unproven and disproven methods, is insanity. They ignore other omitted studies on brain aspects that have surfaced. They dismiss other studies that show surgery and hormones do help others, and especially in removing social stress factors as do puberty blockers. He admits scientists have no good tools to be able to measure gender in the brain. And therefore the patient must be lying. Right, millions of trans people all just showing up for something that doesn’t exist because the scientist doesn’t trust their persistent complaints of a problem, and cannot understand the cause. It does not remove the problem, it just shows that scientists are dependent on patient’s to tell them how they think. I find it unbelievable that a for psychiatry, dismissing the patient is the recommendation? How then do they measure almost everything else in their other studies. If doctors are just going to say, well I can’t read your mind or prove you are thinking what you just told me, then I guess that means there are no diagnoses of anything ever. I find that approach simply ridiculous that until Scientists can read the patients mind without the patient speaking, the problem doesn’t exist? Denialism is not a scientific approach. Nor is just resulting to calling patients liars.

Notes that biological gender is the only reliable method for animals. Once again, probably because the animals cannot talk to the scientists like humans can to identify the problem. They dismiss behaviors as insufficient, then since they cannot read the animal minds, conclude it does not exist?

Shows problems of using not only dna, but even existence of a reproductive track. Noting that having a physical reproductive system alone defines gender. Without evidence against it once again dismissing brain vs body. They cite Reimer for persistence of gender. They left out that Johns Hopkins hid the evidence for years. Reimer was a male who was not transgender. He was a male who due to an accident lost his genitals as a child. He proved changing his external gender did not change his internal one. His case is misconstrued in the study, as his insistence that he knew his gender, is actually what supports the same things as trans people knowing. The only difference is how he was introduced into the incongruence of mind and body. They go to great lengths to show permanence, yet do not point out the denial factor under social pressure for years. Then they suggest impermanence of gender with children? Which is it then? They assume increases in people identifying as transgender are false diagnoses, instead of possibly being a change in societal acceptance rates in the last few years. For surgery he shows problems with controls in many instances, then shows both control and experiment groups improving, and then does not note why (social change). They mention and improvement in the patient satisfaction after surgery, but then dismisses it as worthless? Then they cite so many flaws in the basis that McHugh himself used to shut down Johns Hopkins surgeries for trans people, it almost made me wonder if McHugh realizes he is going to be shown as having erred, and is already starting to build excuses to show his own data was not reliable. Noting excuses that McHugh’s decision was based on such as “selection bias. small sample size. no control group. no random assignment. large differences in follow up times. And even idiosyncratic measures such as “Cohabitation or ANY form of contact with psychiatric services were scored as equally negative factors as having been arrested.” It almost seems as if McHugh was attacking the reliability of his own justifications for shutting down surgical treatment at Johns Hopkins.

And then the Dhejne study explanation was pitiful and deceptive as they showed it. Note the control group used is not trans people. Note the focus on the time period of 1973 – 1988. That is because for the time period after that, the results were very different, and make a case against McHugh and Mayer. And since the rates are lower for the later group, he dismisses the evidence as needing more time. How about just comparing for the same length after the study. He dismisses it instead by having faith that later the rates will be the same. Faith, instead of evidence is not science.

He talks about transgender people who have surgery and then reverse it later, but does not bother to give statistics about how few ever do that. That is a very strong measure of satisfaction. And without explaining rarity they dismiss that it is actually evidence that the treatment is valid. In the real world things are not perfect but when the regret rate is low that tells you something is right. Also, it would be worth noting there is regret of having never had surgery too. Both sides can be erred on.

I was amused at “The social stress model that dominates research on this issue requires improvement, and most likely needs to be supplemented by other hypotheses.” Yet, he has none.

And then there was this gem. “Science is by no means the only avenue for understanding these astoundingly complex, multifaceted topics; there are other sources of wisdom and knowledge — including art, religion, philosophy, and lived human experience.” Seriously? Art? Religion? Philosophy? Is a scientist supposed to take this seriously in a supposedly “scientific study”. No. Any real scientific analysis or report, would not be ashamed to put reliance on a quote like that. This is pretty clear evidence right in the report itself, that the audience was not intended as serious scientists but rather as people who are dare I say religious and philosophical and want to enforce their religion and philosophy. There is a place for all of the things he mentioned. But not in a science report. It seems pretty clear this report knows its audience and is pandering to its biases.

In summary the studies underneath the report are fine, and strategically incomplete. The reasoning regularly (since it is lacking the full research) concludes it cannot know enough. And then amazingly it then asserts that therefore religious approaches of conversion therapy, denialism of gender and orientation are the right thing to do? Huh? What?

If you want to look at some more sources here is another article that is also very on point in analyzing all of this and gives some examples of omitted sources to look at. There are many more emerging now. I cite this one because it does a decent job of starting to point out contrarian studies. You could start there too. Better yet. Go look yourself for both sides. Don’t rely on me, them, or McHugh or Mayer to summarize anything for you.

Here is another I liked

Also, take a close look at the image I shared about “spotting bad science”. Apply it to McHugh and Mayer’s article. Apply to everything you read that claims science as its standard or foundation.

As for me now that I have done an initial perusal with focus on some key sections and investigation browsing it overall and some key sections and also noting what others are finding and looking at it, I will keep reading their article, and if I see something more to add and discuss later I will. But it is pretty frustrating to examine an article that is deliberately engineered to be dishonest, omit things, and be one sided and biased, so don’t be surprised if it takes me a while to stomach it all.  Here is the first image larger, as I find it very useful.


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An LDS Apostle Among The LGBT – A Reality TV Show or Documentary I Would Actually Watch

RTI am not a fan of reality TV, but if there were a reality TV show or even a documentary on the BYU channel that followed an LDS Apostle or Prophet (yes, one of the 12) and how they treat their LGBT family members in easy and hard situations, or how they treat LGBT strangers, or how they treat LGBT friends and associates, or how they treat LGBT people at church I would watch it. And by LGBT I mean both those who are celibate and those who are not.  Those LGBT who are LDS and not.  Those who are disfellowshipped and those who are not.  Those who are married and those who are not.   I mean both those who are trans and presenting and those who are not. I mean those post surgery and pre-surgery. One of the saddest things of modern times is how much we get to hear the words of 15 prophets and apostles, and how very very little we get to actually ever see their personal examples of how they treat others (like LGBT people). Those actions I suspect would teach far more than their words ever could.  Jesus taught volumes by what others saw him DO among the marginalized in his religious society.

I’m sorry, but it is not good enough,how many conference talks are given or ensign articles are written by the Q12 and 1st Pres. Those are just words. Policies are words too that turn into actions.  Church courts are words and more than words that implement policy by the hands of underlings far from those who originated it. When I start seeing regular coverage of the first presidency and Q12 meeting with and spending quality time with actual LGBT people, actual LGBT youth, and when members and outsiders see how those 15 men treat theose LGBT people on Sunday in church with them, and during the week out of church with them, then I and I suspect many others will pay attention.  Will they call a trans person by their name and pronouns?  What will they say to their friends who are gay and have kids that cannot be baptized?  What will they say to the parents they meet who have LDS LGBT kids that killed themselves.  Can we see how these apostles treat people at those funerals?  Or a LGBT wedding, will they attend?  Will they send a gift?  Will they boycott it.

If you want to teach members how to act around the LGBT, then as a top leader in the Q15, you have an obligation to SHOW them yourself how to treat those people.  Jesus never pawned of the show me part, to bishops an stake presidents.  He did it himself.

Or perhaps also release the Q12 meeting minutes of how the 15 men discussed “the policy”.   Let’s hear how they talk about LGBT people when the are not present with them.  Learn from example and see how much love was involved.  Let’s see that example too. Why do we never see what they talk about in their secret meetings?  Even the Federal Reserve (which has massive secrecy) releases more of their meeting minutes than the Q12 and 1st Pres.

When a church excommunicates, disfellowships, frowns on, looks at as ill, or refuses to talk about publicly even in conference or ensign (i.e. transgender people), or refuses to acknowledge existence of LGBT people, or acts boldly antagonistic, but then tells members and families not to disown, alienate, distance, or be awkward or antagonistic around their own family, will the words or the actions be heard?  The actions.  And the lack of actions too.  When church is almost utterly silent about trans people, members act the same and don’t want to talk about it..  When the church top leaders do not show themselves getting educated about the subject, member also decide they don’t need to study it out either.

It is time for actions to be seen from the 15 top LDS men. And not just actions by the members, or by the LDS local leaders. Not the local ones. The top ones. The 15 men themselves. Where are the LDS donations to help LGBT youth? Shelters? Non quid pro quo church based therapy?  Where do we see them meeting with LGBT people in committee decisions, or studying it out? Where are the documentaries that get shown between conference sessions of the GAs meeting with LGBT youth personally?  Or General Authorities talking to LDS LGBT youth about suicide and how much they are valued?  Instead of spending time playing the blame game?  LDS official church sponsored Firesides for LGBT kids, families and their allies or even those who want to learn? Where are the press articles showing these 15 men regularly spending time with and meeting with LGBT people and showing how they themselves treat them? Where is the Sunday sacrament meeting on TV where we go to an apostle’s ward and see him sitting with someone LGBT who is his friend or associate and how he treats them when the hard lessons get taught in church?  Lead by example.

I don’t know what an environment of apostles and prophets who love the LGBT would look like, and especially how they love LGBT kids.  I have suggested some ideas of what we could watch to see it.  It would sure be nice to SEE it, and see exactly HOW they themselves do what they are telling everyone else to do.  How to hold those policy positions but deal with and love people who get hut by it.  How to teach Sodom and Gomorrah or Paul’s comments on LGBT people, or relevant Deuteronomy passages covered in Sunday School in from of LGBT youth and families and LGBT investigators and still show love or not push them over the edge of already hating themselves.

I hear a lot of words from the GAs. And in some cases, like trans people, not even as much as words to even acknowledge the subject or give any real position other than a straddle or punt. What about actions? Show me the actions.  Show me in detail how the Q12 and 1st Pres treat their LGBT friends, family, and acquaintances who are active and inactive or non-members, both inside and outside the church, and in the easy and hard situations and classes that get taught on Sunday.

I always heard that Jesus taught by example…I’m still watching for those 15 men to show an example here.  Can we get a documentary to see this in between conference sessions?  Or a BYU TV Reality show where we actually follow and apostles and see them handle all of these tough situations?  We seem to deal with this more in our day than any other time.  We have apostles and prophets to show us the way and revelation.  Can we get some actions to go along with those words?  Can they model and show us how they want LGBT people to be treated, instead of just talk about loving them, while doing things that hurt them?  I want to see that documentary or Reality TV series.  When will it air?  We see shows air like Big Love, or Sister Wives, and hear of how awful it is for the LDS church.  Well, how about a documentary series or reality TV show about one of the GA’s and how they are treating the LGBT?  I would watch it.  I bet you the entire membership of the church would watch it for that matter right on the BYU channel or Mormon Channel.  I bet you a lot of people outside the church would too.  And they just might learn from example instead of just words.

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